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My (36f) boyfriend (39m) has a weird relationship with food and it's really bugging me (and it puts me out sometimes)

We've been together for 3 years (but don't live together yet). He's only slightly overweight. Generally aims to eat healthy but probably eats a bit too much junk here and there. Overall fairly normal.

What isn't normal is how he acts with food. He always orders way way too much. He doesn't cook, so he mainly orders in with Skip The Dishes or something similar. Or I'll cook when I go over.

His appetite is normal. He doesn't binge. He just eats normally. But he ORDERS way more than is normal. And then throws it out (unless I'm around to heat up leftovers the next day). As well, he allows his daughter (she's with him 1/2 of the time and she's 12) to order an excessive amount of food too. She also has a regular sized appetite, and I've often seen her order 2 full sized dinners (and of course not even touch one of them). Then she goes back to her mom's for the rest of the week, so that untouched dinner never gets eaten.

This is a regular occurrence. I'm constantly throwing out a lot of food from his fridge because it's been sitting there for over a week and nobody is eating it (if I'm not around at dinner to heat it up). I get irritated because there's full sized entrees (lasagna, veal parmesan, cabbage rolls, nice salads) that nobody has even taken the lid off. I point this out to him and he shrugs.

But it caused a fight today. I said I'd come over, bring ingredients and cook dinner and we'd watch the Super Bowl together. He was happy, but then also asked if I'd stop and pick up fast-food for him and his daughter (as an appetizer). The order was ridiculous (as usual). Enough to feed 4 people dinner instead of just a snack for an adult and a tween. I told him if he wants me to pick that up (which in itself is irritating because it's another stop I have to make), then that's fine but I will make dinner another night.

He got upset and said no, they want both. If they eat half of this fast food order, there's no way they'll be hungry for my dinner. And if they don't eat the fast food, it will just go in the fridge and nobody will eat it. Which is a waste of money. In this particular case, it's my money (we aren't super picky about who pays for stuff because it usually evens out, but still, I'm not thrilled about spending a bunch of money on fast food PLUS ingredients for my dinner I was cooking knowing there's no way they'll eat it all). It's always so excessive. Imagine if a normal person might get a hamburger, fries and a milkshake. They'll both order 2 hamburgers each, a chicken burger, chicken nuggets, an apple pie and a milkshake. Then of course only eat 1 hamburger, fries and a milkshake. The rest goes into the fridge and eventually gets thrown out (or fed to the dog!!!). (just an illustration for how over the top this is)

When I point this out to him, he says there's nothing wrong with wanting lots of food....and they can eat leftovers later. But they won't.

How do I deal with this without getting into arguments?

tldr: boyfriend always orders way too much food and throws half of it out and I hate it.

Submitted February 07, 2021 at 01:15PM by Emergency-Ebb1
My (36f) boyfriend (39m) has a weird relationship with food and it's really bugging me (and it puts me out sometimes) My (36f) boyfriend (39m) has a weird relationship with food and it's really bugging me (and it puts me out sometimes) Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 07, 2021 Rating: 5

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