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I (25F) am the manager of my boyfriend’s (42M) failing business(es). I am seriously overworked and underpaid trying to “save” it. How can I easy out of this job without leaving him in a tough spot?

I met my boyfriend when I interviewed to be a yoga instructor at a gym he owns. I did that for a couple of months while also working as a barista at a coffee shop he also owns. During that time we started dating and eventually became exclusive.

My boyfriend is 17 years older than me, but we get along great and make each other laugh. We speak the same love language and talk about marriage and having more kids (I have none, he has 3).

Anyway... in addition to the gym(s) and coffee shop, he owns a restaurant, lets call it “FH”. Well, about 2-3 months into dating and me working in his businesses, his manager at FH quit, saying it was too mentally and physically taxing. As his girlfriend with 9 years of customer service/restaurant experience, i decided (and he asked me) to help him manage FH. I said yes as I knew he was in a tough spot and saw an opportunity for career growth.

I was making $9 an hour as a barista and when I became manager of FH I started making $10 (very little, I know, but I wanted to help as I knew his businesses weren’t making much money. Once I started, I soon realized the businesses were losing money and he was in debt up to his eyeballs. He drives a 2020 jacked up truck and owns a 2019 Z06 Corvette, lives in a nice house, pays child support for 2 kids and has other many expenses.

I don’t know how he’s able to keep it because I realize all 5 of his businesses are failing. Since becoming manager, paychecks have been like at least 6-7 times (due to insufficient funds), we’ve been unable to keep up inventory because of insufficient funds, and we are seriously understaffed. I am in charge of not only 1 restaurant but also a second location of it and now the coffee shop (his other manager is about to quit, also).

So basically, I WORK 60-70 HOURS PER WEEK. And physically, I’m feeling it. I’m always exhausted, having migraines and get really bad pinched nerves in my neck. My anxiety is through the roof with the constant demands of staff, inventory, finances and my boyfriends expectations for me to go out and promote the business. There were no recipes or experienced employees when I started managing FH and it’s just been a shit show with the lack of finances.

I can’t keep working like this, but how do I do it without him losing his ass? I know he can’t find someone else to do all that I do, let alone with the pay I make. He wants me to work and do more, but I’m already pushing my limits. It’s sucks, I’m tired, and I’m losing my mind.

TL;DR: I (25F) am managing 3 out of 5 of my boyfriend’s (42M) failing businesses. I’m working 70+ hours a week without sufficient compensation. Physically and mentally, I am suffering. How do I separate from this job without putting my boyfriend in a bad spot?

Submitted February 06, 2021 at 02:30PM by geminilovechild
I (25F) am the manager of my boyfriend’s (42M) failing business(es). I am seriously overworked and underpaid trying to “save” it. How can I easy out of this job without leaving him in a tough spot? I (25F) am the manager of my boyfriend’s (42M) failing business(es). I am seriously overworked and underpaid trying to “save” it. How can I easy out of this job without leaving him in a tough spot? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 06, 2021 Rating: 5

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