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I (16F) told my step sister (17F) that we are not family

I have 3 step siblings 2 of them are twins who are 17, I am 16 and the younger one is 15. My mom married their dad when I was around 9ish but they were dating since I was like 6 or 7. My bio dad is a POS who just up and left without ever saying a word when I was a baby. My mom raised me by myself till she met her husband (my step dad). Depends on where I am but I usually just call him my dad cause he's really the only dad I've ever known. My mom and (step) dad I guess did an awesome job at trying to blend us all together as a single family but it wasn't gonna happen. I like the 15yo and while we aren't close I enjoy his goofy and silly personality and there has never been that much conflict with him.

But my step sisters who are twins........I HATE them, they were very clear early on that they would never see me as a sibling or part of the family. They said to me when we first moved in when I was 9 that I'm not fully family and that they wish id just leave with my mom. I wasn't gonna just take that and we fought A LOT, it was a total 2 v 1. My parents tried to stop them from picking on me and stuff and we even went to therapy but no matter what they were determined to see me as an outcast and refused to change their minds. They get along with everyone BUT me, and its kinda disheartening cause as a kid I would have loved to get to know them but they didn't want to get to know me and my only real memories with them is them practically bullying me or us fighting.

Main Problem:The older of the 2 twins totaled the car they drive, I bought my own car and my step sisters both split buying a car for them to share 50/50. So now they are both out of a car and since our parents work (Still feels weird to really say that) I'm the only one with a car. The younger of the 2 asked me if she could borrow it cause she wanted lunch. I didn't want to waste gas or miles cause its an older car and I only drive it when I need to. She said something like "come on help me out, aren't we family?" At this point I got kinda miffed, after everything that has happened and them showing more than once they don't consider me family they want to pull that card?! I shut that down quick and said "Me, you and your sister? We ARENT family. You are only saying that to use my car, please get out of my room." She didn't say anything and just slammed my door shut. Dinner was awkward and the younger one was definitely giving me a stink eye but I just ignored it cause frankly I don't care.

Advice on all of this?

TL;DR:My step sisters who I have known since I was like 7 refused to ever treat me like family even with constant help from my mom and their dad. I refused to let one of them borrow my car, and she said that we are family and should do stuff for the other. and I told her we are not family and she is not mad at me.

Submitted April 06, 2020 at 12:03PM by Step_fam8389
I (16F) told my step sister (17F) that we are not family I (16F) told my step sister (17F) that we are not family Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 06, 2020 Rating: 5

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