Me(32M) and my gf(28F) of 2 years have very different ways of approaching an argument. What can I do to make it work out? Can it work out?
TL;DR: when my gf gets angry she just expects me to admit that I'm wrong even if I'm not and when she's not angry then we can talk about it.
Whenever my gf gets angry she only focuses on what she thinks made her angry and doesn't listen to anything I say in my defense and just expects me to say sorry and make her feel better regardless of whether she is right or wrong. Maybe because it's the way I was raised but I was taught to listen to the other person when they defend themselves and think about if what they said makes sense. She is just worried about feeling better at the time and apologizes later if she was wrong. We've had several take about her anger management but nothing has changed so far.
We were eating out with mutual friends and she got angry afterwards and said I never even looked at her during the dinner... Even though we were both engaging in conversation. Then we got into an argument about me just not trying to make her feel better. The way she gets angry is that she ignores my attempts to reconcile until I say something she wants to hear. I really love her and was thinking about marriage soon but it makes me wonder if we do get married how this will affect the rest of out lives.
Should I just accept her anger until after it's over to talk about it?
Edit: thank you for everyone responses! I am very grateful for all the advice.
Submitted January 24, 2020 at 10:35AM by sonic89us
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