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My [26F] sister [22F] insists on having her phone on max volume in the bathrooms in the mornings and nights and I can’t get any good sleep

I’m home for the holidays but this is driving me insane. I work and go to school, so I’m constantly busy 7 days a week and was really looking forward to this trip home as a time to relax and catch up on much needed sleep.

My sister has an extensive skincare/makeup routine and spends upwards of 1-2+ hours in the bathroom each morning and night. She plays her phone at full volume listening to music or watching videos. Whenever I politely ask her to stop or turn it down because it’s woken me up/keeping me awake, she gets extremely offended and starts a huge fight.

She says it’s important to her and that I should compromise by wearing headphones and listening to music, but these “compromises” never include any budging on her end. I also can’t fall asleep listening to music or wearing earbuds like I used to as I’m not a heavy sleeper anymore and they wake me up in the night. I would also have to play it at a volume way louder than I’m comfortable with to drown hers out.

She has always insisted on getting her way in our relationship but this time it’s extra frustrating. Sleep is really important to me; I was in tears after being woken up again because I have the chance to have good sleep for the first time in months yet her morning routine is more important.

I feel ridiculous for asking advice about something so trivial, but I don’t know how to make her budge or understand that this is serious for me.


tl,dr: Home for the holidays with the chance to have good sleep for the first time in months. My sister insists on play music in the bathroom for 1-2+ hours each morning and night, making me lose sleep, and is unwilling to compromise.

Edited for typos

Submitted December 20, 2019 at 10:32AM by werdity
My [26F] sister [22F] insists on having her phone on max volume in the bathrooms in the mornings and nights and I can’t get any good sleep My [26F] sister [22F] insists on having her phone on max volume in the bathrooms in the mornings and nights and I can’t get any good sleep Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 20, 2019 Rating: 5

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