My boyfriend (45M) and I (40F) have been together 15 years and generally have a good relationship. However, I'm dreading spending the holidays with his family because I hate his brother, Dan (40M).
Dan is one of those obnoxious types who thinks he'd better than everyone else and always acts like he's the most intelligent person in the room. He will talk down to people even about subjects in which they are experts - for example, if someone is a geologist, he will lecture them about geology as though he knows more about it than they do. If corrected, he will smile condescendingly and say in a patronising voice: "I don't think so, [name]."
He also treats his wife like a servant, snapping at her and ordering her around. She seems scared of him and just meekly does whatever he says.
The problem is, even though he's the older one by five years, my boyfriend basically hero-worships Dan. He can do no wrong in my boyfriend's eyes, and everything else comes second to him - e.g. my boyfriend once promised to help out with my parents' 50th wedding anniversary party, and just didn't show up because Dan turned up at his house unexpectedly.
Obviously this makes me feel like I can't say a word against him to my boyfriend (he has no idea I don't like him, I'm always polite to him). The thing is, I really don't want to have to deal with him over Christmas. So, strangers of Reddit, what should I do? Say something to my boyfriend and risk a big-ass fight, or just suck it up and slap on a fake festive smile?
TL;DR: I hate my boyfriend's arrogant brother and don't want to spend Christmas with him. Should I tell my boyfriend?
Submitted December 20, 2019 at 09:43AM by Frantastic79
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