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Husband takes full credit for things we jointly do and doesn't acknowledge my contributions publicly

My husband (28M) bakes as a hobby. He's the chef, but I (28F) always help him out with prepping, mixing, decorating and cleaning everything after. There is seldom a baked good that we churn out that I am not involved with in some way. Our family and friends know he is the brains behind all the baking and when they comment they always talk about how good his cookies are, how delicious and beautiful his cupcakes are and how scrumptious practically any of his desserts are. When people do this, he says thank you and sometimes describes his process saying "I do this" and "I do that". He hardly ever acknowledges how I contributed and the things that I did. People often praise him like it was him alone that created the baked goods and he doesn't really say anything to the contrary. He often makes it sound like he's a one-man show. I've told him in the past that it makes me feel unappreciated, upset that I feel erased from the story. When we're alone, I tell him this, he responds by saying that of course he appreciates everything I do, that he couldn't do it without me and that he's sorry he made it seem like it was just him. But every time we're back in a group of people the same story happens again. Almost exactly the same way. Then when we're alone he says "sorry" again and when I don't get over it right away, he gets annoyed with me.

I don't really know what else to do. I've already communicated to him how I feel. I brush it off most of the time. But it's not just baking. It happens with house projects etc. I don't know if I'm just being petty and insecure, but it keeps happening, it keeps bothering me and I don't know what other strategy to take. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

TLDR: Husband takes full credit for things we jointly do and doesn't acknowledge my contributions publicly. Makes me fel unappreciated. What can I do?

Submitted November 30, 2019 at 03:06PM by saucynsweet
Husband takes full credit for things we jointly do and doesn't acknowledge my contributions publicly Husband takes full credit for things we jointly do and doesn't acknowledge my contributions publicly Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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