Got a message from a girl saying, my boyfriend (M30) was on Tinder talking to other girls. He denies everything, and I feel lost (F27)
First time asking for advice here, my advanced apologies for any grammar mistakes. My boyfriend(M30) and I(F28) have been together for about 6 months, we met on Tinder. We lived together for 3 months, and then he moved to another state for a job.
Yesterday, I noticed that I had an unread message on Facebook while I was on the phone with him. As I opened the message it was a girl who said, your boyfriend is hitting girls up on tinder. I never met up with him, but I was briefly messaging him, and checked out his Facebook, and saw it said he was in a relationship with you. I confronted him about it, I asked why would you do this? He is fully denying it, I asked the girl for screenshots, and she sent me screenshots of the conversation.
He keeps denying any wrongdoing, he swears by his mom that he did not talk to anyone on tinder, that he has not talked to other girls. All evidence shows that the account was his, I think it is extremely rare that he got hacked and someone logged into his account. I am heart broken, him and I had talked about marriage and I had bought us tickets to Ireland for Christmas. I am confused and heart broken because he denies everything, and went as far as saying, do you want me to lie and say it was me so you feel better about it? I am at a lost for words, I told him to please never contact me again, but I am confused and heartbroken over this situation. I also don’t understand how this girl found him on Facebook, from the screenshot of the conversation she sent me they exchanged 2 words. Why won’t he admit wrongdoing even thought everything shows he is guilty?
Small Update: He finally caved and told me that he did go on tinder, after denying it the whole day and swearing on his mom and me, and crying on the phone. He finally admitted the truth. I am heart broken because I know I can never trust him again and I have to let go, but at least I got some honesty from him. Thank you all for the kind words, happy Holidays!
TL;DR- A girl messaged me(F27) that my boyfriend(M30) is on tinder talking to girls, I asked for evidence and got a screenshot. I confronted him, and he fully and insistently denies it was him. He said he knows how this looks, but he was never on Tinder.
Submitted December 19, 2019 at 11:18AM by ramenlover29
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