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UPDATE: Co-worker(45f) being a bully. I'm(20s) trying to remain professional about it. Advice please?

Original post

I tried to take some of the advice I got from my previous post. The older co-worker's behavior got worse upon confrontation. She was questioning why I was working a day that my boss had offered to me, and I wanted so I took. My boss was off today. There was a brief discussion and she just made me feel really uncomfortable so instead of continuing to answer, I took someone's advice to ask her why she felt she needed to question me so much about my work arrangements and scheduling.

Boom She took my questioning her as an attack and threatened me, "Well if you're gonna be nasty, I can be nasty too". I immediately told her I was sorry if it came off that way but that asking her a question wasn't being nasty or rude or anything like that. She insisted I was "being nasty" because I questioned her.

It became very clear to me at this point, she didn't want to solve the problem or clear the air. I got the impression any questioning of her behavior would be taken as an attack. I was really uncomfortable and just weirded out by the conversation at this point so I verbally made HR aware of the issues going on and documented the incident. Specifically, that she threatened me.

So, at this point the next time will be an e-mail. This co-worker's behavior towards me has been out of line for close to a month now. When I tried to confront/resolve she got defensive instead of just having a conversation with me to clear the air. I was really hoping for the latter, because this is not fun at all, but if she's going to behave like a toxic person I will be treating her like one.

TLDR: Issues with older co-worker bullying me came to a head. When confronted she took it as an attack and threatened me, "If you're going to be nasty, then I will". Like, she's been nasty for a while. I've ignored it up until now. I told her questioning her behavior is not being nasty. I was trying to have a conversation and she shut it down. So from here on out, to HR with her BS. I really was hoping to put whatever issues she has to rest, her attitude showed me she wants to create problems not solve them.

Thanks for the advice anyways everyone!

Submitted September 23, 2019 at 08:37PM by curiousnaomi
UPDATE: Co-worker(45f) being a bully. I'm(20s) trying to remain professional about it. Advice please? UPDATE: Co-worker(45f) being a bully. I'm(20s) trying to remain professional about it. Advice please? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 24, 2019 Rating: 5

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