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My [27F] drug addicted sister [24M] amd her drug addicted husband [I don't know, like fucking 30 something M] have arrived in my town and she is trying to reinsert herself in my life just as everything is going well for me. Is there a way to get her to leave me the fuck alone?

As you can tell, I have a sister who is a drug addict. I am honestly not sure why her life went off the rails. We had a good family, pleasant upbringing, parents who loved us and supported us, etc.

For whatever reason, my sister decided to get into hard drugs shortly after high school. I believe her poison of choice is heroin, but I have no idea what she might have gotten into over the years.

She spent several years slingshotting back and forth between living with our parents and living on her own. Eventually she met her now-husband who was a hardcore addict, and my sister elevated from the addict minor leagues to the majors. My parents eventually told her not to come back after the 3rd or 4th time she moved out.

About 3 years ago, my sister contacted me saying she wanted to get clean and she just needed a place to stay, and I naively took pity on her and alloweed her to stay at my place. She was clean for all of like a week. She would get in shouting matches with her boyfriend on the phone, constantly needed money she never paid back, eventually my things started going missing. I kicked her out and told her basically that if she ever gets clean, wait a year, and if she's still clean I will talk to her. Otherwise I dont want to know her.

Last I heard of her she got married to her boyfriend and they both fucked off to Washington.

I moved to a very nice little college town, met a very handsome little college professor [30m] and recently got a very nice little apartment. I am very happy with where my life is and everytjing seemed to be going so well.

Then about two weeks ago I got a message from my sister after nine months of radio silence. She told me she and her husband had just gottem off the bus in my town. She was asking for my phone number and if we could meet.

I sent her a message reminding her of what my.conditioms were for seeing her again and asked if she had been clean for a year. She responded that she was "working on it."

So I told her, no, I dont want to see her then. My life is going quite well and she is the last thing I need in it as long as she is still on drugs. She responded to that begging for just a sit down for coffee or something.

I nearly turned her down again, but this town is small enough we would probably run into each other anyway, so I relented to having coffee.

We met up and it seemed to go well briefly. But eventually she segued into she and her husband need a place to stay and looked at me expectently. I just told her absolutely not and wrapped up the day.

Over the last two weeks she has messaged repeatedly and come to find me a number of times on the street. I always tell her to leave me alone and put distance between us.

But then today she and her husband showed up at my boyfriend and I's apartment. Boyfriend was at work thank God, but when I opened the door I didnt know what to say. She told me the nights are getting cold and they desperately need somewhere to go. I eventually got them to leave by threatening to call the police.

But now what? I have no idea how they found my apartment! And also, I never really boyfriend about her. He knows I have an estranged sister, but I left out the drug use, because, I don't know, I was embarassed I guess.

What can I tell my boyfriend now that they are here? And how do I get my sister and her filthy husband to leave me alone?

TL;DR: Drug addicted sister and husband are trying to reenter my life. I dont want them anywhere near me but they arent listening. What to do?

Submitted September 25, 2019 at 08:28PM by FrostyBookkeeper
My [27F] drug addicted sister [24M] amd her drug addicted husband [I don't know, like fucking 30 something M] have arrived in my town and she is trying to reinsert herself in my life just as everything is going well for me. Is there a way to get her to leave me the fuck alone? My [27F] drug addicted sister [24M] amd her drug addicted husband [I don't know, like fucking 30 something M] have arrived in my town and she is trying to reinsert herself in my life just as everything is going well for me. Is there a way to get her to leave me the fuck alone? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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