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Trust broken between me (m30) and girlfriend (f25)

I was at my girlfriends place last night and she was really not feeling well. I put her to bed and she asked me to charge her phone and make sure her alarm was on. She gave me her passcode to do this. She quickly fell asleep and I charged her phone and got on it to make sure her alarm was on. When I was doing this there was a message notice saying "hey babe how are you doing when can I see you" I knew I should not look at her phone but I had to and found a list of messages talking about meeting for sex and what they do. We have been dating for 4 months and have talked that we are not seeing other people. I confronted her about it and she was just pissed about me looking at her phone, said nothing about the other guy. I know I should have not looked, and I am really crazy about this girl, should we try to fix it.

Tl/dr Should we end this since we have broken each others trust?

Submitted July 17, 2019 at 07:08AM by Bdsc777
Trust broken between me (m30) and girlfriend (f25) Trust broken between me (m30) and girlfriend (f25) Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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