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My (18f) boyfriend (22m) assaulted me. I want to break up with him but everyone in my life is telling me not to because it's a mistake. I need advice

This is my first time ever making a post here and I'm on my phone so sorry for any mistakes. To make a long story short, we met when I was in 6th grade and he was in 8th. We started dating when I was in 8th grade (I was 13, he was 17 and already a sophomore in high school. My parents were ok with it so we have been together for 5 years now) we started officially living together when I turned 18 and we've only been living together for a couple of months now. so my issue is, I take medication for several things. I have really bad sleep problems and take heavy medication for it, plus medication to help keep my blood pressure lower and help with night terrors. Along with medication for anxiety and depression. It's a lot. My boyfriend knows this. There have been several times where he's woken me up by trying to start having sex with me. He's always stopped when I've asked him to but he gets moody and upset the next day when he doesn't get what he wants.

Yesterday, I woke up and I just felt gross. I don't want to go into full details but I had what I could only guess was semen stuck between my thighs. I can't explain it but I just felt nasty and really sore down there. I got up and showered like I normally do and just could not shake the feeling of feeling yucky all day. I went to work like normal and when I got back to our apartment, I straight up asked him "did you have sex with me while I was asleep?"

His answer: "yeah you were asleep I figured you wouldn't mind"

Me: "I'm not ok with that. why didn't you wake me up?"

He just shrugged and said he didn't think I would csre and that I "looked sexy" sleeping and it was "something he wanted to do" ever since we started dating/sleeping together

Now I'm scared to take my medicine tonight. What if he keeps doing it even after I said I wasn't ok with this? I never told him this was something I wanted to do. I have no interest in having sex when I'm asleep because I definitely can't enjoy it when I'm dead to the world.

This isn't the first issue we've had but it's really the biggest one so far. I feel disrespected and really mad over it. I told one of my friends what happened and what should I do and she said I should think of it as a compliment because he apparently couldn't help himself?? I don't get that line of thinking. I even called my mom and didn't go into full details but gave her a short story of what happened and her response was "He's a man. So what? He has urges that he can't control" and called him a nice guy and I shouldn't "make a mistake"

I don't know what I'm doing. I've never been in a relationship before this. I don't know if this is really ok and if I'm overreacting or not. Someone tell me what they would do in this situation.

TL;DR:* Boyfriend did things to me while I was asleep that I'm not comfortable with. Both my mom and a friend say I'm making a mistake if I break up with him. I really don't know what to do.

Submitted July 28, 2019 at 07:02PM by vileraspberry
My (18f) boyfriend (22m) assaulted me. I want to break up with him but everyone in my life is telling me not to because it's a mistake. I need advice My (18f) boyfriend (22m) assaulted me. I want to break up with him but everyone in my life is telling me not to because it's a mistake. I need advice Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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