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Girl at work [24-ishF] tried hitting on my [22F] husband [24M] as a power move. How do I go back to work now?

I recently graduating from the Paul Mitchell School, and I started working at a salon a few months ago.

I really like most of the girls I work with, but there is one girl in particular (Erin) who just does not like me. I really don’t understand what I did to her but she made it very clear she does not like me at all very early on.

It did culminate this last week when I put a lady in my seat who is apparently one of Erin’s regulars. I didn’t mean at all to steal business from her. She came in for a walk-in on Erin’s day off and I just said I could take her. Maybe I messed up but it was an accident.

Erin got all bent out of shape about it and it culminated with her chewing me out in the back room, at which point she told me she “could ruin my life.”

Today we had a social thing in the salon. They do this every six months or so where they close the shop and have a potluck and you can bring in SO’s and whatnot. It’s supposed to build up a family atmosphere I guess.

So I brought my husband in, we were having a good time. I intentionally avoided Erin but she found her way over to us.

She didn’t say a word to me but introduced herself to my husband. He tried to be polite but I could tell he was weirded out (and I had kept him up to date on my issues with this girl).

She got very flirty, and maybe it’s just my imagination but I swear she looked me in the eyes while she did it. She went as far as telling him if we “don’t work out” he should talk to her.

That prompted my husband to get pissed and tell her to leave him alone and we wound up leaving.

I am so pissed off by this! I don’t know what Erin’s fucking problem with me is, but that is over the line!

I like my job and my salon, but it’s going to be pretty hard to look at Erin again without hauling off and breaking her nose.

Is there a solution? The other girls and the boss like me, or seem to, but Erin’s worked there for years and is in the OG club. Am I done at this salon? Can I work this out?

TL;DR: Girl at work brazenly flirted with my husband as a power move. How do I possibly work next to her again?

Submitted July 28, 2019 at 07:39PM by HonestWatch
Girl at work [24-ishF] tried hitting on my [22F] husband [24M] as a power move. How do I go back to work now? Girl at work [24-ishF] tried hitting on my [22F] husband [24M] as a power move. How do I go back to work now? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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