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Parents [50F, 54M] and siblings [11M, 16F] travelling the world while I [20F] am practically homeless

My [20F] mum [50F], dad [54M] and brother [11M] are travelling for a year while my sister [16F] is abroad and I am away for university. Things between me and my mum have always been difficult but they’re getting to a point where I’m not sure if my parents will sponsor me in my final year of studying.

First my mum rented out our house, although I don’t have my uni accommodation for another two months so now I don’t have anywhere to live. My friends let me stay at theirs but my mum told me I am a burden for everyone and if I stay at my friends’ she will stop supporting me financially. She told me to stay at my nan’s but she is very ill and is in full-time care so I can’t go there either. She has been telling me that I am a parasite, I disgust her and it would be time for me to finally find a job and support myself. I always work when I can but my timetable is very irregular so I often can’t do a normal job. My parents told me before applying to uni that studying should come before everything else and they will happily support me. I have good grades and I have already received a few job offers for after uni. But now this whole situation has gotten to a point where I seriously doubt I will get any more support from them. I looked into bursaries and other financial aids but there aren’t any suitable options. I don’t know what to do, I am thinking about deferring a year but that would mean that I will still need to live with them next summer. It would also solve everything quicker if I could finish my degree sooner so the problem would stop existing.

If I knew this would happen, I wouldn’t have gone to uni but there hasn’t been any sign if this sooner. I am not sure what I should do, I love my year at university, I have friends and I really don’t want to defer a year but now I don’t see any other options at the moment. Please help me, what should I do?

(My dad is the loveliest person but he always supports my mum by usually being in quiet. If she decides they won’t give me any more money, that’s what’s going to happen.)

TL;DR: Parents [50F, 54M] spends a lot of money but suddenly refuse to pay for my [20F] education in my last year of university

Submitted July 30, 2019 at 01:18PM by LeeksLedge
Parents [50F, 54M] and siblings [11M, 16F] travelling the world while I [20F] am practically homeless Parents [50F, 54M] and siblings [11M, 16F] travelling the world while I [20F] am practically homeless Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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