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I (17/F) just caught my sister (20/F) kissing my best friend (17/M) that she knows I have a crush on and that she knew I was going to ask out this weekend after having gone to her for advice on how to go about it.

I've had a crush on him for a couple of months now but we've been friends since we were fourteen. My sister knows this. I go to her for advice on just about everything. She has quite a lot of relationship experience already and has dated a few guys whilst away at university, so she knows way more about guys and dating than I do. I've never had a boyfriend before and only one guy has ever asked me out. We went to a movie and he tried to stick his tongue down my throat before the previews were even over, so let's just say ... it didn't go well. We didn't go out again.

As for my best friend, I don't really know what changed but I've recently started looking at him differently. He's smart and funny and really attractive. Although he would never admit it, a bunch of girls like him. Until a few months ago he was in a relationship with a girl in the year above us. She was good to him at first but she eventually started cheating with her ex from a different school. My friend found out and immediately broke up with her without second thought. I tried my best to take his mind off of things. It was around then that I realized how I felt about him.

He's over his ex now and has mentioned that he wants to start dating again, so I figured now is the time to tell him how I feel. When I asked my sister about what to do and how to communicate how I feel without coming on too strong, she just told me to keep it casual, don't overthink it. Just ask him if he wants to go out as if he were any other guy. Given that I've never asked anyone out before, I was still a bit unsure of how to do that. But I knew for sure that I wanted to tell him how I really feel. Especially after he almost kissed me when we danced together at his brother's wedding a few weeks ago. I'm not one to dance and to do that sort of thing, as I'm usually too shy, but he asked and I figured it was worth a try. I had a great time with him that night. We even went for a late night drive afterwards and had a really deep conversation. Maybe it was all in my head because I already had feelings for him to begin with, but I just ... I don't know. I really thought that I felt something from him that night.

But now ... after already having told my sister how I feel about my friend, I walked in on them kissing at a party tonight. I was looking for her to ask if she had my phone in her bag. Someone said she was in the kitchen. The moment I got there, I saw them kissing near the drinks table. They didn't see me. I got out of there as fast as I could and walked home myself, still without my phone. Now I'm just sitting here, trying to figure out what happened and how I feel about it and what my sister was thinking. She knew that I was going to ask him out. I went to her for advice on it and she even encouraged me to do it. As far as he's concerned, he doesn't know how I feel and he's allowed to kiss whoever he wants. But obviously he doesn't like me if he's in there kissing my sister. Definitely not going to ask him out now.

I don't know. Am I being irrational? Is this as upsetting as it feels? I don't understand how she could do this. Aren't sisters supposed to look out for each other? She gets enough attention from guys. Why did she have to go for the one that she knows I like? The one that I've basically spent everyday hanging out with for the past three years. They can do what they want. He's not my boyfriend. But she's always going to be my sister, so I really did expect better from her. Never would I even have imagined that she would do something like this.

Am I being dramatic? Should I talk to her about this or should I just move on like nothing happened?

tl;dr I'm really upset. They can do whatever they want, but the fact that she would go after the one guy that she knows I like, is really fucked up. Should I talk to her about it or should I just move on like nothing happened? She doesn't know that I saw them. Neither does he, not that he's my boyfriend or anything.

Submitted July 28, 2019 at 10:48PM by sisterandcrush
I (17/F) just caught my sister (20/F) kissing my best friend (17/M) that she knows I have a crush on and that she knew I was going to ask out this weekend after having gone to her for advice on how to go about it. I (17/F) just caught my sister (20/F) kissing my best friend (17/M) that she knows I have a crush on and that she knew I was going to ask out this weekend after having gone to her for advice on how to go about it. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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