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Fiancee (25F) frequently goes on vacation with her parents. I (26M) am not included or invited.

We have been together for 9 years now. I work full time, while she is still in school and living with her parents as she is not working and her family is paying for her school. The only recurring problem we keep arguing about is her parents will take 3 - 4 vacations a year and my Fiancee will go with them. When these trips are planned not only am I not invited (despite having a good relationship with her family) but my fiancee does not discuss with me or inform me of these trips until they are already booked. Here are my issues with this:

  1. It hurts my feelings quite a bit that after such a long time together I still am not invited or even informed of the trips. Especially since I take my fiancee on trips to visit and even stay with my family members multiple times a year.
  2. These vacations often happen when I have time off from work. I work in the education field so I have the same time off as my Fiancee. This usually means I am left by myself during long weekends or Christmas/spring break.
  3. The vacations are usually to places I would love to go. For example her family last year went to Hawaii for two weeks. Neither of us had ever been before and we had talked of honeymooning in Hawaii but now it won't seem as special since she has been there before. This spring her family took her to the same city that I had booked a vacation for us to go to next month so now I feel like that trip is kind of ruined.
  4. I get quite annoyed when I am sitting at home during my vacation time while she is off for days/weeks at a time having incredible experiences. I feel like after such a long time together we should be having these experiences together.

What do you think Reddit? My Fiancee seems to think that I am being a jerk by getting angry at this situation, and now I am worried that I am being one. Do you think me being annoyed by this is justified? Do other people still go on trips with their parents at this age while leaving their SO at home?

Tl;dr: Fiancee frequently takes vacations with her parents that I am not invited to, am I justified at being annoyed by this

Submitted July 30, 2019 at 08:41PM by random13144141
Fiancee (25F) frequently goes on vacation with her parents. I (26M) am not included or invited. Fiancee (25F) frequently goes on vacation with her parents. I (26M) am not included or invited. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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