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My (24F) autistic neighbor (30sM) has a crush on me, and it's getting to the point I can't go in my front yard anymore.

My neighbor lives with his parents as he's incredibly low functioning. He has the mind of a child, and I am very understanding of disabilities such as this, my best friends little sister has autism, but she's high functioning, like she'll be able to eventually move out on her own, drive a car, etc while he never will be able to.

I moved into my house about 2 and a half years ago, his parents are awesome neighbors. They are aware of what's going on. They told me straight from the get go, if I have any issues to go to them. But we're both running out of ideas. When I moved in I was blonde, and he apparently has a thing for blondes. No big deal. It all started out with him just waving at me and bowing from his front porch, didn't bother me at all. Crushes happen!

Well about a month or two ago I was outside washing my car and right when I finished he waved me over, and I decided to talk to him (because up to this point he hadn't done anything other than wave) and he asked me on a date. I told him no thank you, I'm busy, and he asked me "well what about in two weeks?" and I said I'm not sure. A few days later I talked to his mom about it and she said she'd handle it. Well, he left me alone for a month or two. But now I've realized he waits until they leave to come outside, and watch me, and talk to me. He usually never left his yard.

Today I was, once again, cleaning my car. I saw his parents leave while I was doing it, and about 10 minutes later he was going in and out of the house, watching me. I knew what was about to happen, and when I finished I tried really quickly to put my car back in the garage, but he ran over into my yard, and told me it was nice to see me. I was shocked he came onto my property. He shook my hand and asked me out, again. I said no, I was about to leave for dinner, got in my car, and left. I parked in a Tim Hortons parking lot for an hour, went home, and he was waiting for me. I pulled in my garage and closed the door before even getting out of the car.

So, the only time he doesn't talk to me when I'm outside is if my dog is with me, he's scared of dogs. But it's not plausible for me to bring my dog outside with me every single time I go in my yard. She's scared of water (so she doesn't like me washing my car around her), I don't want to make her sit in the sun, etc. I also have to mow the yard, can't bring my dog with me to do that.

His parents know but they also have a lifestyle that doesn't allow them to always be home with him, nor afford anyone to watch him, and their family all lives in another state. Before I moved in, this wasn't a problem and they've lived in this neighborhood for 30 years, so this wasn't exactly something they ever had to budget for.

He doesn't scare me, but I also don't want to have to talk to someone everytime I'm outside and his parents aren't home or turn down dates, etc. They've talked to him but we are unsure of what to do. I'm unsure of what to do on my end.

Tldr: low functioning autistic neighbor keeps asking me out when his parents aren't around, they've talked to him and nothing works. I want to go outside without him always trying to talk to me.

Submitted July 31, 2019 at 05:26PM by Lulu5556
My (24F) autistic neighbor (30sM) has a crush on me, and it's getting to the point I can't go in my front yard anymore. My (24F) autistic neighbor (30sM) has a crush on me, and it's getting to the point I can't go in my front yard anymore. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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