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My older brother (25M) is now my (16M) legal guardian and I don't know how to interact with him because he doesn't show emotions.

So I have an older brother (OB for short) and an older sister (22F, OS for short) who are actually my half-siblings. Their mom died when OS was 2 (OB was 5) in a car accident. We share the same dad. My mom is in jail and has been for most of my life (she has no contact with me). Two months ago, our dad committed suicide and OB took me in as my legal guardian. I've never really interacted with OB a lot, he's always been closed off and quiet and doesn't really talk a whole lot. When we were younger we didn't like the same things and I was always loud and annoyed him, so he always seemed to avoid me. He was in the car when the accident happened that killed his mom and Dad for the longest time always just told me to give him his space, so I never made much of an effort to connect with him as a kid since OS was always more willing to play and enjoyed sports as I did.

So that's part of the problem, I've never really tried to hold a long conversation with OB. He's been diagnosed with high functioning autism, but then they changed the diagnosis to PTSD, and now I think they changed it a few more times, but Dad never really talked about it around me. I know he has depression and anxiety, and mild OCD since OS has mentioned it in passing a couple of times while talking on the phone with him while I was in the room. OS and OB get along pretty well, but she's in the dorms and can't have me move in with her right now.

Anyways, so here's the problem, I have no idea how to approach OB or even talk to him. I go to high school, but this entire winter break it has been so awkward I don't know what to do or how to feel about it. OB works full time and so he's gone most of the day, but when he comes home he makes dinner and then immediately disappears into his room and leaves me alone with barely a word said. Sometimes, during the school year, he'll ask about classes, friends, school, but it's always very formal and then he disappears again. He immediately pushed me into therapy after dad died but I don't think it's helping, I've tried mentioning it my therapist but she just tells me to keep trying to make small talk with him. I've tried mentioning dad a couple times to him since the funeral and I came to live here but all he does is huff or nod and never says anything except, "have you talked to your therapist about it?" Followed by "what does she says" or "then talk to her." When I tell her what she says he just nods in agreement and moves the conversation to "what do you want for dinner?" Sometimes I think he hates me because there will be days in a row that he won't say anything to me unless I start the conversation, other days, he'll willingly talk for a couple minutes with me and sometimes I can even get him to smile slightly, but never for very long. I honestly think he just took me in because it's what's expected of him and he's just waiting for me to graduate in two years so he can kick me out.

The other day, I was watching the news and he came home from work. I mentioned a football game (American football) and how good a certain team was doing, something along the lines of "The ____ are doing great this year." And he just hummed and went "I'm sure..." and left the room. For Christmas, he got me a couple gifts which I was kinda surprised by and were actually things I was interested in (I'm not sure if OS told him what to get me or if he pays more attention than I think). I said thank you so much and went to hug him (I'm a pretty touchy-feely person in general) and he sidestepped me and gave me a handshake instead. So mainly the problem is, I can't seem to figure out how to interact with him or even start a conversation with him. I know he isn't seeing a therapist or anything, so I worry about him. He's always seemed so emotionless and walled off...our dad acted the same way as he got closer and closer to killing himself and I'm just so worried. I don't know him very well but I can't lose him too, I just need advice on how to get him to open up to me. How do I start a conversation with someone who wants nothing to do with me?


TL;dr: my dad committed suicide two months ago and my older brother is now my legal guardian. I've had roughly 10 long conversations with him in my entire life and he barely talks to me for more than 10 minutes even though we have lived together for 2 months now. He's closed off and emotionless most of the time and I'm worried about him. With both of his parents gone I'm worried he's going to go the same way as our dad and I can't take it. I want to get him to talk to me, to open up, or at least be willing to have a conversation with me, how do I start a conversation with someone who wants nothing to do with me?

Submitted December 31, 2018 at 09:26AM by uselessemotions
My older brother (25M) is now my (16M) legal guardian and I don't know how to interact with him because he doesn't show emotions. My older brother (25M) is now my (16M) legal guardian and I don't know how to interact with him because he doesn't show emotions. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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