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Our friend over for NYE, and my boyfriend (25M) has now decided to go to his friends instead. Me (22F) and my mutual friend (23F) are upset.

I'm just looking for some advice - I'm a little annoyed, but don't really know if I'm warranted in feeling this way.

A few days ago mine and my boyfriends mutual friend came over to spend New Years with us (This motive was clear from the get-go, but they also wanted to see our local area as we have recently moved and they hadn't seen our new house and pet).

My boyfriend has now just texted me to tell me that he is going to his other friends house for New Years. I just didn't even know how to react. I've told my friend and she is understandably also confused and a little upset. It's concerning me more than usual because before and around Christmas, he was away seeing his friends a lot, nearly every other day, so it's not like he hasn't seen them for ages. It's also our first new year living together, so it feels like a special occasion.

I've been thinking for the past few hours on how to even respond. I'm worried that whatever I say, he's going to take it as me being jealous or childish. I was thinking of waiting until he mentioned it, and then saying something like "I'll be completely honest, yes I am a little upset that I won't get to spend our first new Year in our own place together, and I think [our friend] is a little upset she won't get to see you on the night like we planned, but it's your decision and your New Years Day."


TLDR; Friends have come over to spend NYE with us, but boyfriend has decided to go to his friends house instead. Am I right to be a bit upset?

Submitted December 31, 2018 at 05:54AM by throwawaynewyeargirl
Our friend over for NYE, and my boyfriend (25M) has now decided to go to his friends instead. Me (22F) and my mutual friend (23F) are upset. Our friend over for NYE, and my boyfriend (25M) has now decided to go to his friends instead. Me (22F) and my mutual friend (23F) are upset. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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