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I (20/m) like a guy (21/m). I think he likes me back. However, there's a problem.

We met through my best friend (20/f) while the two of them were working on a project together. I had actually known him from some classes from before, but only superficially. Anyway, we discovered we actually had a lot in common. We've hung out by ourselves a few times, never labeled it as dates, but did kiss at the end of one of our "non-dates". He texts me compliments and is generally flirty around me. So what's the issue?

Well, I've only recently been coming to terms with my sexuality... even though I've known for a long time. I'm not super comfortable in my own skin yet (not just because of the gay thing, I also have body image issues I've been working on in therapy) and basically, I wasn't really looking to start a relationship until my current crush came along. Technically, I'm only out to my best friend and the guy I like. Meanwhile, he's as open as it gets in our country. He's also involved in Pride activities at our college, has a lot of openly gay/lesbian friends, posts about LGBT topics on social media without reservation.

So on the one hand, I have strong feelings for this guy and it feels great knowing he likes me back. But on the other hand, I can't be as open as him yet, and I'm not sure how our relationship would work out. I don't want to feel like I'm forcing him back into the closet. This is just me reminiscing in a hypothetical manner, because we aren't even officially dating yet, but I feel like that's what our friendship is building up to. So I'd like to hear some opinions other than my own and my friend's on this dilemma I'm having.

tl;dr: I like a guy, and from the looks of it, the feelings are mutual. We're both gay, but he's way more open and comfortable with his sexuality than I am (just started coming out to myself and others). Looking for advice on whether to act on this crush.

Submitted December 30, 2018 at 03:47AM by throwmeagayaccount
I (20/m) like a guy (21/m). I think he likes me back. However, there's a problem. I (20/m) like a guy (21/m). I think he likes me back. However, there's a problem. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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