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My friend [25F] and I [23F] have been accused of having an affair by her abusive ex [39F] (and other problems)

For the sake of anonymity, B = my friend and X = the ex.

B and I met working on the same work project together, and have been friends since (about five months now.)

B had also been in an abusive relationship with X for about three years now and after multiple attempts at leaving, she finally tried again. She broke up with her partner and at midnight was kicked out of their house without keys or any of her stuff.

I happened to bump into her at her mother's door (who was asleep and not answering) and, after hearing what had happened, decided that I couldn't leave her with nowhere to go, and told B to come and stay with me and my husband for the night.


The next day, we leave the house where X happens to be waiting outside in her car, having stalked us. The two argue, with X loudly accusing B of having an affair with me, in front of neighbours too.

Eventually, X drives off and my husband and I try to cheer up B by bringing her to lunch.

On our way home, B tries again to call her mum and tell her what happened but is answered by her mum stating that she doesn't want to speak her and that she is disgusted and disappointed in her.

She tries others too, but X appears to have contacted the rest of B's family and family friends. They either ignore her calls, or say that she is making up the abuse in an effort to deflect things.

Later, I receive messages from X saying, "You're disgusting, I hope your boyfriend knows what you've done, I'm telling him everything." (She seems to think he is my boyfriend and that he doesn't live with me, important.) As he has been with us the entire time, he is not phased by this.

The three of us (me, B and my husband) then go back to the house, where she stays another night as she cannot stay with her family now.


Today, I receive a message from X where she stated she is visiting my husband's workplace to tell him in front of everyone about the alleged affair.

She states that she was watching through my bedroom window at some point and saw me and B kissing. Important side note, B and my husband share the same haircut and hair color too.

This is ridiculous on multiple levels as she admits to stalking and also B had never even been upstairs in my house as she stayed on the bottom floor.

X also calls my mum telling her "everything" (which my mum doesn't believe thankfully.)

B says to X that she is coming around to collect her stuff to which X says she can't because she has burnt everything.


Anyway, this is taking long to write. We both are at a loss on what to do and really upset. Nobody will believe B, she has nowhere to go, she is isolated with the exception of us, and people are talking to my family and friends and as a result some of them believe the rumor and dislike me too.

Does anyone have any advice?

Sorry if I've worded things badly. If you need more information, please ask me! I'm panicking.

Tl;Dr after being broken up with, my friend's abusive ex is telling everyone that it was she that broke up with her, spreading the lie that my friend was cheating with me. My friend's family won't listen to her and as a result she is homeless and isolated with only us for support. And we don't know what to do.

Edit: she worked for her X's friend but she has now lost her job.

Submitted December 31, 2018 at 07:28AM by Helpmyfriendohgod
My friend [25F] and I [23F] have been accused of having an affair by her abusive ex [39F] (and other problems) My friend [25F] and I [23F] have been accused of having an affair by her abusive ex [39F] (and other problems) Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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