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Me (27m) with my gamer buddy(27m) are having a really hard time getting along recently and I'm not sure what to do.

So I have an online friend that I have been playing games with for the last 2 years. At first it was like all fun and shit, but the more we play together it seems as if he just gets on my nerves. For example, I love to play Counter Strike, and I have gotten pretty good, and I have completely doubled his skill level, yet I still feel obligated to play with him, because I don't want him to feel bad because he's just not as good as me.

We can be having a conversation about anything, whether it be girls, or video games, or the color of the sky; it always turns into him talking about politics or something else edgy. It's really annoying to me. Another example: Yesterday I was going over a gameplay of a friend that asked me to review it on Counter Strike, so I went over it and that friend was watching as I did it, then he asked me to do one of his. So I did. And every time I made a statement about something, he wanted to make some kind of argument that would some how make him right, even though it never did. Then it kind of hit me, he always tries to make everyone out to be wrong and he is never wrong. The same shit my dad does and I cannot stand it. Not to mention he smokes pot like 24/7 and in a game like CS you can't really be high when you are playing, that's just a pet peeve of mine.

So what do I do? Do I just ignore him from now on? Do I tell him what bothers me? because any time I bring up serious shit, he just plays it off like it's not serious. We went through a long break once of not talking due to us arguing and I have made it a point to not argue with anyone anymore since it's just a waste of energy. So what do I do? I know it's silly but I value my friendships and don't want to just cut someone off unless I know it's necessary.

tl;dr I have a friend that I think is an egotistical ass and don't know what I should do for myself; get rid of him or talk to him about it

Submitted December 30, 2018 at 01:52AM by -99Savage
Me (27m) with my gamer buddy(27m) are having a really hard time getting along recently and I'm not sure what to do. Me (27m) with my gamer buddy(27m) are having a really hard time getting along recently and I'm not sure what to do. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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