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My [27 M] brother [32 M] treats his wife [23 F] bad and I'm not sure what to do.

So my brother has never had an easy time dating and has always complained about women. Really it's his attitude which I think turns a lot of women away from wanting to pursue anything serious with him.

He had a (ex)girlfriend and from what I heard she said he was selfish all around and even in bed. I have tried to tell him maybe he should work on himself before trying to get In a relationship but he disagrees.

Well he did something that I honestly find really desperate and kinda sad at the same time. He went to Thailand for 2 years and met a girl married her and came back to our country.

From the outside I can tell she isn't happy with the relationship and he treats her like shit to be honest. He has her do everything for him from washing his clothes to cooking.

He doesn't let her talk when she's around us, he usually either talks over her or tells her "shhhh" and changes the topic. He grabs her really hard from what I can see because she rubs the spot wherever he's grabbed her and has a pained look on her face afterwards.

Our sister thinks he's very sexist and has voiced her disgust for how he treats his wife. I have talked to his wife and she is honestly a very nice woman who is trying the best that she can to hold it together but could tell she wanted to cry when we talked.

She talked to my sister and told her that our brother has been pushing her to get breast implants, she said she doesn't want to do it but said he's being persistent.

I feel bad for her honestly and I haven't been able to look at my brother the same after this whole thing. He treats her like she's not even a person but more like she's this "thing" that he can use and play with and tell what to do.

I don't know what to do or if I should interfere with it or just stay out of it and hope it gets better. Any advice?

TL;DR: my brother treats his wife bad he doesn't let her talk and makes her do everything for him. She told my sister that he's been pushing for her to get breast implants even though she doesn't want them.

Submitted December 30, 2018 at 11:45AM by thrazaway55
My [27 M] brother [32 M] treats his wife [23 F] bad and I'm not sure what to do. My [27 M] brother [32 M] treats his wife [23 F] bad and I'm not sure what to do. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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