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Woman [50sF] insinuated I [21M] was not related to my sisters [8F] then bad mouthed to other people. How should I handle this?

I am not entirely sure the woman's age, but she looks slightly older than my mom, who is 48.

Last Sunday I was with my two sisters in the park. They were playing in the sandbox, the swingers and I was mostly just checking on them from a nearby bench. Then I bought an ice cone for them and they were eating it, one on my lap and one on the bench.

Then this woman, who I had seen before but only one time and we didn't even say hello (mom moved to a new home in a fenced neighborhood less than 3 months ago) asked me who I was. I was really weirded out by the question but said I was their brother. Then she said I don't look like their brother (I'm brown-ish and they are white, but we definitely look alike). I was pretty insulted by her audacity but I showed her my ID and showed her an ID my sisters have from a pool club. We share both last names so that should have been enough. She did give a dirty look but she left, pretty displeased if you ask me.

I told mom about it and she was concerned, then I described the woman and she essentially said "of course it was her". I visited yesterday again and apparently the woman ranted about parents letting their children out with stranger on the neighbor's meeting the day before, and specially described me as someone to be on the look out for.

While some people realized she was just ranting like crazy, some people did agree and there seems to have been a somewhat big discussion about it.

I mean, I know I have done nothing wrong, but what should I do if it ever escalates to someone else saying something similar, or if the woman doubles down and makes any insinuations again? How should I handle it? Should I take any "precautions" when hanging out with my sisters?

People around here don't really know me because I visit something once a week or I sometimes pick them up at the gate so they don't see me. I still have to get mom to call the guard so they can verify who I am.

What should I do?

tl;dr: Woman insinuated I wasn't related to my sisters, then described on a neighbor's board meeting as someone to be on the look out for even though I showed proof we are related. How should I handle this in the future?

Submitted November 29, 2018 at 08:57AM by FrontPhilosopher0
Woman [50sF] insinuated I [21M] was not related to my sisters [8F] then bad mouthed to other people. How should I handle this? Woman [50sF] insinuated I [21M] was not related to my sisters [8F] then bad mouthed to other people. How should I handle this? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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