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I [22M] got ghosted by my girlfriend [22F] on thanksgiving

Title about sums it up. I apologize if this is not the right place to post this I just need to get this off my chest. tl/dr at the bottom.

So I got asked out by a girl [22F] that I met at a store and we had coffee the next day. The date went great and she was really sweet and we hit it off and continued to go out for over a month. In this time she asked me to have dinner with her family and I did and everything went great with that too. It was perfect and she seemed to really like me and that she was taking it seriously.

Then thanksgiving happened. I was at my grandparents and she was with her family. During the dinner my grandma asked if I had a picture of my girlfriend so I pulled up her Facebook to show her and I saw she had unfriended me. I thought this was weird because we had talked on the phone just a few days before and she seemed fine and was laughing and we just had a normal conversation and everything was fine. So I sent her a text asking if she had unfriended me and she left me on read. So I waited a bit and asked if everything was ok and what was going on and she left me on read again. Now it was thanksgiving so I thought maybe she was just busy and she’d get back to me later but she still hadn’t by 9:00 so I tried calling and it just rang until I got her voicemail so I just sent another text asking if we could talk. Again, she left me on read. At this point it was pretty obvious that she wasn’t going to respond so I gave it a few days and tried to text her again asking what was going on and of course, again, I was left on read. I tried calling and it only rang once and then went to voicemail which generally means that your number is blocked. At this point I stopped trying to reach out because I didn’t want to come across as pushy and it was pretty obvious that she had ghosted me.

Tonight I had to go to the same store she works at to get some stuff for a project. I didn’t go there to talk because that seems like something a stalker would try and I didn’t expect to even see her because lots of people work there but I did see her when I was checking out and she just walked away and went to the back so I bought my stuff and left like I planned too anyway and went home.

Nothing happened that gave me even an inkling that she was unhappy or that anything at all was wrong. It completely took me by surprise. I’m pretty torn up about it.

Why would she want me to have dinner with her family if she was just going to ghost me? Am I being stupid and missing something? I’m so confused. It wasn’t like it was some casual things. I met her parents and she met mine. I met her friends. It just doesn’t make sense.....


I dated a girl for over a month and we had dinner with each others families and it was a serious thing then she ghosted me with no warning at all and I have no idea what happened.

I never thought she would ghost me even if we did break up. I always thought I’d at least get a phone call.

Submitted November 29, 2018 at 06:19PM by Mr_Oreo_Dunkins
I [22M] got ghosted by my girlfriend [22F] on thanksgiving I [22M] got ghosted by my girlfriend [22F] on thanksgiving Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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