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Boyfriend (22M) of 5 years refuses to wear a condom while having sex with me (21F).

Basically, we were just about to get to the sex part of sex when I ask him to use a condom. I explain that I have been taking my BC pill late for the past few days. He tells me he'll use a condom later, when he gets close to climaxing, but doesn't want to right now. I explain that all it takes is 1 single sperm and I can get pregnant.

We don't have sex at all, I try explaining to him that I am only trying to protect myself and that it's my body and I have a right to ask him to use a condom. He said that he thinks there's no point because the risk of getting pregnant is already so low, and that using a condom would be going from being at a risk of 99.9% to 99.99%.

Now we're not talking and he said he does not want to talk about this again. I am so confused and upset because I feel like I am not in the wrong but he is making it seem like I am. We usually don't use a condom because I am usually good about taking my pill on time. How do I explain to him that I simply don't want a child and am taking logical precautions?

tl;dr boyfriend won't use a condom during sex after I ask him to. Argument ensues and he disagrees with me that it is only logical and safe to use a condom with bc pill because I have been taking it late.

Submitted November 28, 2018 at 12:15PM by HannahSailor7
Boyfriend (22M) of 5 years refuses to wear a condom while having sex with me (21F). Boyfriend (22M) of 5 years refuses to wear a condom while having sex with me (21F). Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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