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My (19M) close friend (20M) has invited me to spend Christmas Eve with him and his family because I spend most holidays alone. I feel hesitant because I wouldn't want to intrude on someone's family time during the holidays. What should I tell him?

Alright here we go.

So for the past couple years I've spent most holidays alone. My parents divorced when I was five and generally spend holidays with their new SO's. Which I have no problems with and am very supportive of because of a generally unpleasant upbringing, in part due to their past toxic relationships. (Dad dated a heroin junkie for a bit, and my mom had a very abusive relationship with the woman she left my dad for.) So I'm very happy they've moved onto happier times in their lives. That's not the issue.

This thanksgiving I was alone for most of it until around 12AM where the aforementioned friend stopped by. When we were talking he asked what I did for thanksgiving, and once hearing the answer asked if I had plans for Christmas Eve this year. I kinda saw where it was going because last Christmas Eve I got trashed alone and he brought it up once he found out. He offered for me to come to his family's Christmas eve party and I initially refused. I told him I appreciated it, but I wouldn't feel comfortable intruding like that and I didn't want him to feel like he had to take care of me when he should be spending time with his family. He insisted and said that I wouldn't be intruding, and that half the people there wouldn't be family anyways. (Younger people there bringing their SO's and such.) So I told him I'd consider it and get back to him.

So I guess my question is would it be appropriate to go? I'm familiar with his Immediate family but not the majority of the people there. Although I'd like to go it's not a big deal to me because I can just pick up a shift at the jail I'm working at instead. And Regardless of the outcome how can I express to him that I'm super grateful for the offer, and that me not going doesn't reflect my feelings on him or his family in any way?

TLDR: My friend invited me to his family's Christmas Eve party, but I'm not sure I want to intrude. Should I go? And if not how can I express to him how grateful I am for the offer?

Submitted November 28, 2018 at 05:29PM by Paganistic_Emperor
My (19M) close friend (20M) has invited me to spend Christmas Eve with him and his family because I spend most holidays alone. I feel hesitant because I wouldn't want to intrude on someone's family time during the holidays. What should I tell him? My (19M) close friend (20M) has invited me to spend Christmas Eve with him and his family because I spend most holidays alone. I feel hesitant because I wouldn't want to intrude on someone's family time during the holidays. What should I tell him? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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