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My (25M) gf (24F) always seems to ruin events with her outbursts and it's getting exhausting

Been dating my gf for a bit over two years. Was hoping things would get better, but it hasn't. A few examples below.

-When I graduated college her parents got in a fight at my ceremony. We were all planning to go to dinner afterwards with my family and hers then my friends were going to come and we were going out for drinks. Because of the fight her parents decided not to come (my parents wouldve never done this, they wouldve sucked it up and not made a scene) but whatever. Due to this my gf decided she wasn't coming to dinner either. This pissed me off. I thought she should be there on such an important day to me. I calmly told her "hey listen, it would be really important to me if you were here." She still didn't come. So I told her I was unhappy with her decision which was the truth. Me being unhappy with her automatically made her mad at me. Then she got pissed that I proceeded to go out and have drinks with my friends (which was the plan all along). She said that it was crazy that I could be having fun while we were fighting. I thought this was unfair. Then one of my best friends girlfriends, who is also a good friend of mine and my gf, took a picture with me and posted it online congratulating me on my graduation. My gf lost her mind and said she couldnt believe I was posing for pictures with other girls while she wasnt there? It was a fucking friend of ours and one of my best friends girlfriends? It wasnt some random chick or a stripper? I thought her reaction to everything was extremely unfair to me.

-A separate time, we were at a family party of mine. My gf smokes and gets extremely offended when anybody says smoking is bad for you. One of my cousins was smoking a cigarette and one of my other cousins told him he should stop. Nobody said anything to my gf. She got up, stormed out of the party and tried to drunk drive home. I wouldnt let her drive because she was drunk so I just stood in front of the car door so she couldnt get in. She started hitting me. It got so bad that my neighbor walked outside and I asked them to go get one of my parents from inside because she wouldn't listen to me and was way too drunk to drive. I understand that she was drinking and its uncomfortable when people are talking down about something that you do, but I thought her reaction was extremely too much.

-One time we were on a family vacation. She wanted to go to happy hour. I didnt. But I wanted her to get to do things she wanted so I went. When we got there, her and my sister went outside to smoke. They were gone for like 20 minutes as I sit there by myself at the bar. I was kind of pissed. I didnt want to be there in the first place and then they left me sitting at the bar alone for a good 20 mins. I didnt care that they went to smoke, but 5 mins and come back seems reasonable. So I told her I wasnt happy about it. She storms out of the bar and calls her dad to drive two hours to pick her up from the vacation. This was a minor fight and she literally left mid-vacation and acted like it was all my fault. I was so embarassed the rest of the week when my family asked where she went.

These are some of the more extreme instances. There are more and its at the point where I'm walking on egg shells at every event I attend with her.

The craziest part of if is that I love her. I feel like such a pansey for not really doing anything about this and I know that' on me. I dont know what to do.

tl;dr my girlfriends extreme outburts are taking their toll on me

Submitted November 30, 2018 at 08:10AM by dapperdon003
My (25M) gf (24F) always seems to ruin events with her outbursts and it's getting exhausting My (25M) gf (24F) always seems to ruin events with her outbursts and it's getting exhausting Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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