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My (22F) best friend (23M) is getting married, but will not have me in his wedding because his fiance (20F) hates me.

So some background. My best friend D and I have been best friends since middle school. We dated for a week in middle school, but you know how middle school relationships are, I don't think we ever actually hugged during that week. After that I moved to multiple different schools but always kept in contact with D. My family loves him, he helps my family at their business, text both my mom and dad happy birthday every year. Even when I went to college 1600 miles away we talked at least once a week and he sent be care packages. I have a hard time opening up to people, but because we have been friends for so long I am comfortable telling him things I wouldn't tell others about my mental health or relationships. He is my best friend and the brother I never had. He has also told me I am his best friend and regularly vents to me about problems at work or his depression.

Current day. About a year ago D started seeing a girl, M. I was over the moon for him. It had been awhile since he dated someone and he seemed to really like her. I was dating a guy at the time and wanted to go on a double date with the two of them so I could meet M. Well when I did finally meet her, it was awkward to say the least. She was kind of cold to me and almost acted threatened by me, even though I was dating someone at the time. I tried to be friendly with her and even cut back on my closeness with D to make her feel better. I moved away again for about 8 months, but still always made sure to ask D about how him and M were. Now I am back home again, and dating a new guy. D and I both plan double date type things for us all to do and it is always fun, but even D admits that M is not very comfortable with me and sees me as a threat. He recently bought her a ring to propose, I was one of two people he told about his plan and I was very excited for him. He proposed, she said yes and now they are planning the wedding. When I asked D about being in his wedding party, he told me honestly I probably wouldn't be in his wedding party because his exact words "it's her wedding" and she wouldn't be very happy about it. I am more disappointed that I thought I would be. Growing up we always said we were going to have each other in our wedding party and always joked around about him wearing a dress and me wearing a suit.

So I guess I am asking, am I right in feeling hurt that he isn't even going to fight for me to be in his wedding party when we have been each others best friends for years? Should I just suck it up and be happy for him and M?

TL;DR: Best friend won't let me in is wedding party because his fiance feels threatened by me and in his words "it's her wedding".

Submitted November 29, 2018 at 09:37AM by Parker917
My (22F) best friend (23M) is getting married, but will not have me in his wedding because his fiance (20F) hates me. My (22F) best friend (23M) is getting married, but will not have me in his wedding because his fiance (20F) hates me. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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