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My girlfriend(23f) has a weird belief that I(24m) recently discovered and it has grossed me out to the point where I don’t even know if I feel the same way towards her.

I’ll try to make this as short as possible.

Around July I met this girl while visiting my family in Rio, Brazil. We instantly hit it off and carried on dating for the remainder of my stay in Brazil. Before I left back home to the US she admitted to me that she didn’t want to lose me and asked if she could wait for me. I promised her I’d wait for her too and told her I would come back at the end of the year.

The months since then have been a pretty healthy long distance situation. We talk everyday, and share many fun and long conversations. We’ve became closer and more familiar with each other, and everything has been leading up for us to have an amazing time when I come in a few weeks. Well, that was until she told me about her belief that the reason the world is so torn about by conflicts is that the menstrual blood of women is not being returned to nature. Instead women are just throwing their tampons away over the possibility of accumulating the blood in some vial and transferring it over to plants and soil. She told me this stems from ancient native beliefs and it makes perfect sense to her.

I found this whole situation a bit looney, and have been grossed out. When I tried maybe arguing this with her she thought I was being insensitive to her beliefs and I felt like an asshole, so I just dropped it.

Should I treat this like a religious difference? Is my lover classified looney? Should I just ignore this as a whole?

TL;DR: My long distance gf admitted to me a strange belief that period blood is a source that is missing from nature and that is why the world is in such an abysmal state. She wants to save her period blood and then spread it to nature. I am grossed out and confused by this.

Submitted November 29, 2018 at 10:05AM by some6yearold
My girlfriend(23f) has a weird belief that I(24m) recently discovered and it has grossed me out to the point where I don’t even know if I feel the same way towards her. My girlfriend(23f) has a weird belief that I(24m) recently discovered and it has grossed me out to the point where I don’t even know if I feel the same way towards her. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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