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Friend [22F] is angry with me [22M gay] for refusing to meet her homophobic boyfriend [25M]

Okay so. This whole story started earlier this year. An old classmate I haven’t heard from since high school reached me through Facebook. She was actually the closest I had to a friend among my classmates, but we failed to keep in contact since moving away for college. We ended up rekindling our relationship and chatting almost every day. We finally met up while visiting our hometown this summer and spent amazing two weeks together. I admitted to her I was gay and living with my boyfriend back in my college town. She was very supportive and I had the impression that being honest brought us even closer together.

We continued our texting and she met my boyfriend on video call. They both have similar charismatic personalities and I knew they’d probably hit it off, which they did. From then on, she wouldn’t stop telling me how the three of us needed to find a way to meet up in person. I was pretty excited to hear that and we started planning how to make that happen without throwing off anyone’s schedule. She mentioned potentially coming to my town for a gaming convention taking place in November with a new guy she’s been seeing, if they could make it work. Boyfriend and I agreed they were both free to crash on our couch for that weekend. So far, seemed like everyone was pretty excited to meet up.

Fastforward to last weekend, I received a text from her apologizing for having to change plans and saying she’d call me later when off work. I was disappointed because I’d been looking forward to seeing her again and meeting the guy she was going on about, but I assumed they couldn’t afford to travel at the moment. When she did call me later to elaborate, she threw me for a loop. Basically, she said her boyfriend wasn’t comfortable with same-sex couples, so they wouldn’t be able to stay with us, but would look into rooms and hostels in town. However, she would still like us to grab a drink while at the convention, because she believes her guy has a kind heart and if he had a chance to meet my boyfriend and I in a relaxed setting, he’d definitely warm up to us.

Needless to say, I was hurt. I communicated that very openly and said I had no interest in being used as some sort of an experiment to see if a bigot might come around. She thought I was being unfair and that not everything was so black and white as I put it. We had an argument that ended with her crying and hanging up on me. I’m wondering if I overreacted and feel a little sorry now. Boyfriend said she should be the one to apologize and I agree, so I sent her a text saying we could talk when she was ready. She replied a day later to ask for some time to re-evaluate our friendship. I was confused but said sure.

What do you guys make of this? My gut is telling me I should distance myself from this girl no matter what she decides about our friendship. Not that I don’t have other friends, of course, but I was pretty excited when we reconnected. Doubting if it’s worth it anymore.

TLDR: Revived a friendship with an old classmate to find out she’s dating a guy who is not okay with staying at my and boyfriend’s apartment because we’re gay. Now she’s acting like I’m unreasonable for being mad and refusing to meet up with her bf to see if he could change his mind.

Submitted October 28, 2018 at 04:20PM by LazyHighlight
Friend [22F] is angry with me [22M gay] for refusing to meet her homophobic boyfriend [25M] Friend [22F] is angry with me [22M gay] for refusing to meet her homophobic boyfriend [25M] Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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