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My [26F] friend's fiancé [27M] got drunk and assaulted my FWB [27M]. My friend is taking his side. Is this worth ending a friendship over?

Sarah, my best friend and former roommate from college, recently moved to my city after four years of keeping up our friendship long distance. She moved to be with her fiancé Mark who she's been dating for 2 years and who got a job here. I had never met Mark, but I kind of had a not-so-great impression of him based on his social media, although I've been trying to keep an open mind. Sarah and I have been hanging out frequently since they moved here a month ago, but I still hadn't met Mark since he was busy with work. This past weekend we planned to go to an event at a bar with Mark so I could meet him for the first time. I invited Henry, who is a guy I've been sleeping with for the past four months. We're not dating, just friends with benefits, but we actually are pretty good friends.

When Henry and I got to the bar he was very polite and introduced himself to Sarah, said he'd heard a lot about her from me, etc -- just basic normal human interaction type stuff. In contrast, Mike was already drunk when we arrived, refused to shake my hand when I tried to introduce myself (because "it's weird to shake a girl's hand"), and demanded to know how tall Henry was (then said "hah I got three inches on you dude"). Basically he was weird and belligerent from the second we walked in. Long story short as the night went on Mike kept drinking and trying to start a fight with Henry for no apparent reason. It kept escalating to the point where I actually called him out on it and said we were going to leave, but then Sarah jumped in and sort of smoothed things over. After a couple of hours Henry went to the bathroom and Mike went, allegedly, to get another drink. A little while later Henry came back BLEEDING EVERYWHERE, and said that Mike had jumped him in the bathroom and punched him in the face.

Mike came back and denied it happened ("you're losing it bro, that wasn't me"), but he had blood on his hand and I have no doubt based on how he was acting all night that he did it. I was flipping out and was about to have the bartender call the police but Henry basically pulled me out of the bar and got us a cab. Long story short, we ended up going to the hospital and he needed three stitches in his lip, plus he has a black eye. I want him to press charges against Mike but he says he doesn't feel like dealing with the hassle.

The day after that happened I met up with Sarah and basically told her she was insane to stay with a guy who would randomly assault someone who's literally never done anything to him before. She essentially said she believes Mike and she's not leaving him. She said she understands that Henry and I are upset but she's not going to throw away a two year relationship just because of "one weird night at a bar with your fuckbuddy." I left angry and have been ignoring her. She keeps texting me memes and jokes and acting like nothing happened, and between her and Henry (who's also acting like it was just a weird blip that we should move on from), I kind of feel like I'm losing my mind. Is it me, or is punching someone in a bar like that a huge, disturbing red flag??? I was so happy to have Sarah in my city, but now I don't even know how I can continue being friends with her. I never plan on seeing Mike again, but how is that possible if she's staying engaged to him?

**tldr:** My best friend from college and her fiancé moved to my city. On our first night hanging out together he punched my friend for no apparent reason, resulting in him needing 3 stitches. Best friend refuses to acknowledge how bad this is or end the relationship. Should I end my friendship over this?

Submitted August 29, 2018 at 11:56AM by BusyCauliflower0
My [26F] friend's fiancé [27M] got drunk and assaulted my FWB [27M]. My friend is taking his side. Is this worth ending a friendship over? My [26F] friend's fiancé [27M] got drunk and assaulted my FWB [27M]. My friend is taking his side. Is this worth ending a friendship over? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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