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Am I overreacting? Dad’s new GF (35F) said this to my cousin (15M).

I’m not sure if I’m overreacting, I really want to bring this up to my dad, my aunt, and my mom (Dad’s ex wife)

For context, my parents separated a year ago. My dad (50M) started dating his new girlfriend, let’s call her S, roughly 3 months ago.

I (and everyone else who has met her- my boyfriend, my aunt and uncle, my siblings- me and my siblings have only met her 4 times) have an off feeling about her. She is nice, and I’m happy for my dad- but there is just a gut feeling that there’s something missing.

Last night there was a series of events that happened. She came over for supper. She was very intense and social justice warrior-ey; offended at things nobody at the table found offensive, but was offended for somebody else.

She made my brother (16M) the highlight of her day (we do favourite things where we share our thing) saying my brother reminded her of her son, and seeing his face lit up her day. It was very weird- the delivery, etc. She has never met him and barely spoke to him prior to supper.

She also came down to my room after supper (I had gone to bed), knocked, then went on a 10 min long spiel about various things. Then she told me she loved me. Twice. I barely know her.

THEN, I found out this morning:

Last night, she was on the deck alone with my cousins and brother (15M, 16M, 16M). She whispered in my cousin’s ear (15M) in a serious way, that “He could take her to dinner anytime.” Now I was not there but this is not her humour at all. I find it very hard to believe she was joking.

Now these cousins are homeschooled from day 1 and do not pick up on some social cues. I am worried. I told my cousin he should tell his mom but I feel I need to step in.

Am I overreacting if I tell everyone (dad, mom, auntie and uncle)?

TL;DR: My dad’s new girlfriend who I barely know, I have an off feeling about. She told me she loved me twice last night after meeting me for the 4th time. Then she whispered in my 15M cousin’s ear that he could take her to dinner anytime. This is very concerning to me.

Submitted September 04, 2022 at 11:13PM by northphotograph
Am I overreacting? Dad’s new GF (35F) said this to my cousin (15M). Am I overreacting? Dad’s new GF (35F) said this to my cousin (15M). Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 05, 2022 Rating: 5

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