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My bf has no filter & his comments hurt

I've been with my partner ten months (M44, F43). The relationship is good, we see each other alot, go away together, get on well, have met each others families, have great sex, have a laugh & we are now saying I love you BUT he has no filter & is too honest at times. He's said some stuff in the past which has annoyed me (ex talk) & I've pulled him up on it. He's said he's sorry, doesn't mean to upset me & because he feels comfortable with me is too honest at times. He's been in two LTR over ten years ago & I've told him talking about his exes needs to stop. It has.

The other night we were talking about fake boobs (my friend has just had them done). He said he'd never been with anyone with fake boobs but one one girl he saw had inverted nipples. She went doctors, got a breast pump blah blah. The conversation should have stopped there, but he continues to say that he said to his this girl instead of using the breast pump he'd just suck on them. She was like ok. He then tells me she had great tits!

He says other stuff too, like a girl from work, it was her birthday, he showed me a pic of her on WhatsApp where everyone was wishing her HB & said she's gorgeous (she's got a partner). He actually told me at the start of our relationship that he said to this girl (before he met me) that if he'd known she was single (as she was at that time) he would have asked her out.

Yesterday a FB memory popped up of me ten years ago at a festival. I showed him & said oh look ten years ago! He said "I'd swerve you". I was like why would you swerve me, is it because of the sunglasses (I had white sunglasses on which weren't mine, I was just trying them on at a sunglasses stand) & he said yeah maybe it's the sunglasses which I thought yeah right. Thing is, although I'm ten years older I don't look that much different. My weight, hairstyle, dress sense is more or less the same so I'm so confused by what he meant. Was it not classy enough? This is the first time he's ever said something negative about me.

He's a lovely guy, affectionate & is always complimenting me, but sometimes he says these things which just throw me. I don't know if I'm being too sensitive or have a right to feel annoyed. Is it just a case of him literally not thinking about what comes out if his mouth? He's 44, I'm a year younger so as far as I'm concerned he should know better.

TL;DR! My bf has no filter & his comments hurt. Am I too sensitive or do I have a right to be upset/annoyed at his comments.

Submitted July 12, 2022 at 03:46PM by Somewhere-Dazzling20
My bf has no filter & his comments hurt My bf has no filter & his comments hurt Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 13, 2022 Rating: 5

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