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I left a good job to finish college and my wife doesn’t understand the my fears in doing so.

Sorry this is long and I’m on mobile so I apologize for any grammar or formatting. I 34 m and my wife 34 w have been together since we were 16. We have a 2 year old daughter and a boy coming at the end of the year. I left college after 2 1/2 years because of some personal issues and my family‘s business needed help. I came home and for 13 years worked for my family‘s business. In that I was was responsible for a substantial amount of the businesses growth. Going from roughly 300k in gross revenue to my last year about 2 million. Business was good and I was making about 85K in salary a year at the time of my departure. Though I was working 60+ hours a week and time off was hard to come by. I had always intended on going back to school and finishing my degree but you know, life happens. We get married, buy a house and start a family. Last year my wife and I discussed me selling my ownership stake in the company and returning to school. Obviously I was hesitant because I was leaving a good job and venturing into the unknown. I know that she didn’t like my job because it wasn’t glamorous. It was manual labor. It has hard but paid well. Truth be told I didn’t like it either but I was able to provide a comfortable living for my family. I should be finished with my degree in political science after the fall semester. My wife has been dropping these little nuggets from time to time about how I should have done this years ago and to think of how much further along we would be if I had done so. I know that she means well when she says this but I have told her that it hurts my feelings and belittles the time I spent at my family’s business. While I may not have liked my job I was very good at it and I derived a lot of satisfaction from growing the business and providing good paying jobs to 17 other people. In my friend group that I’ve had since high school we are all pretty successful, some more than others (household incomes from 75k to well over 400k). We were right about 130k in combined salary at the time of my departure. I get the feeling that my wife wants to keep up with the Jones’ and was embarrassed by what I did for a living, Even though it provided a comfortable middle class lifestyle. How do I get her to understand how nerve-racking it is to leave a sure thing and bet everything on a new career? I don’t think she understands how difficult that is to do.

ETA: my wife is good person and a great mother. My post is asking how do I get her to see that this is scary for me to bet on myself.

TLDR: Left a good job to finish school and I’m trying to get my wife to understand how nerve-racking it is to do so.

Submitted July 04, 2022 at 03:04PM by Exact_Willingness279
I left a good job to finish college and my wife doesn’t understand the my fears in doing so. I left a good job to finish college and my wife doesn’t understand the my fears in doing so. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 05, 2022 Rating: 5

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