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I (25M) am jealous of my girlfriend (23F) relationship with on of her male friends

Me and my girlfriend have been together for around a year now. Until 3 months ago it was all going very well but recently I have been feeling very jealous about the relation she has with one of his guy friends.

My girlfriend is currently still studying and last September she started a new course in university where she did not know anyone. She very quickly started to become friends with one guy from there. They would regularly meet to have lunch together or go to a museum or whatever. I got a bit suspicious and asked what was up with that guy, and she quickly responded that she did not like him at all, just friends. I honestly forgot about it and was pretty cool with it.

A couple of months go by and the guy tells her that he is into her. At this moment I was not really surprised but I was still all good. I trusted my girlfriend's criteria to deal with it.

Then, a month or so goes by and she goes to a live concert with some friends, him included. She did not mention that he was there until I asked her. I start to become a bit suspicious and I literally ask her if she is into him, they spend lot's of time together and I start to get a bit jealous. She ends up admitting that she is into him but that he loves me and that he would not do anything that does not respect me. Also, I did ask her if the guy knows that she is into him at which she tells me no.

I tell her to please put a little bit of distance between him and her because I was not that comfortable with it. She tells me that okay. This does not happen.

A couple of weeks go by and we talk a little bit more about it and turns out, that she told the guy she was into him a long time ago. Also, all her friends knew about it and I was the last one to know it. At this moment I felt pretty betrayed even though that I trust that she has not done anything with him.

With all this, she keeps telling that she loves me and that she wants to be with me. I again, ask her to put some distance between she and him. This does not happen, they still meet to have launch, go to the museums and they do lot's of work from uni together. Also, everytime she is next to me texting, the conversation with him is one of the top ones but I never see her texting him.

She knows pretty well that I am upset by the situation but she does not do anything to stop it. Every time I bring the subject she starts crying and telling me to please trust her, which I do. I do not know how to act now, I love her but I am pretty tired of the situation. I would really appreciate some advice on how to act. I also would like to see what you guys think of the situation from what I have told you.

TL;DR My girlfriend is very close to a male friend of hers that is into her. She also did hide some of her feelings towards him. They spend a lot of time together and I am jealous. I don't know how to act.

Submitted April 28, 2022 at 04:11PM by Tiny-Reading-8804
I (25M) am jealous of my girlfriend (23F) relationship with on of her male friends I (25M) am jealous of my girlfriend (23F) relationship with on of her male friends Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 29, 2022 Rating: 5

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