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I feel pressured into doing stuff

Hear me out on this one. I could just be being overdramatic but i feel like i’m being almost taken advantage of.

So I’ve known this boy for almost 7 years now and now I’m 17F and he’s 18M. Since we met we’ve always had a thing, It was never anything fully because I never wanted a relationship then. Recently we’ve started dating but it’s still new and has only been 3/4 months. Obviously there are a lot of feelings there cause they’ve been manifesting for 7 years. All these years this boy has basically loved me and has openly told me that and I’ve shared in some of the feelings but I really liked being friends. When we started dating I asked if we could take it slower because I’m still quite awkward about the whole thing. He said he’ll try but he just loves me so much.

Here’s where the problem starts so I’m completely comfortable kissing him, no problems there. He has a thing for leaving hickeys on me which again I’m fine with as long as they wouldn’t be visible. He likes me being on top of him as we kiss which i’m okay with - I prefer just cuddling him but i’m still alright with it. He hasn’t touched me before until last week when he asked if it was okay. I said not right now as I wasn’t in the mood. He then went in a bit of a huff and was just watching the tv program we had on, but he was barely looking at me. He also asked me if he could leave hickeys which I said no to cause again I wasn’t in the mood but he did anyway (they aren’t visible). When he asked me to get on top I again said no because I just wanted to cuddle but he kept asking me until eventually I just did it and this happened like two or three more times that night. Or sometimes when I could tell he was going to ask me I would grab my phone to look busy or kiss him just to get him to stop talking.

I don’t know if I’m being taken advantage of. I mean im okay with what happened I think like I enjoyed it when it was happening but it’s just the fact I said no so much and he kept asking. I don’t know what to do. I do like him and I’ll break his heart if I break up with him but i don’t know what to do. I’ve told him i’m not comfortable with it and if we could take it slower but I’m not sure anymore

TL;DR I feel like i might be being pressured into doing things I’m not comfortable with even though I enjoy them but don’t know what I should do about it.

Submitted April 15, 2022 at 06:46PM by Crazy-Ideal-1644
I feel pressured into doing stuff I feel pressured into doing stuff Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 16, 2022 Rating: 5

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