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Should I (23F) tell my boyfriend (23) that the reason why I don't like visiting his family is because I sort of don't like his dad?

So my boyfriend and I have been dating for 3.5 years and his family lives just outside of Austin. He always asks me to go home with him and I do when I am able to, but I don't like visiting his dad.

I love his mom and his sister, but his dad bothers me and here are a few reasons why:

  1. When my bf told his family about me the first words out of his dad's mouth were "why are you dating a black girl? Their hair smells weird." (My bf's family is white). This bothered me a lot and still does after 3 years.

  2. Everytime I am there I feel like I am in an interrogation. His family is Catholic (I'm a practicing Wiccan but grew up in a Baptist home so I respect Christianity). He asked me if I wanted to get married in a church. I said no because I want an outdoor wedding which my bf supports 100%. His dad then asked me if I wanted my kids baptized. I said yes but not as babies because I want it to be their decision and I want them to understand the meaning of a baptism. His dad told me "That's fine. I can forgive you for not having a church wedding if you baptize your kids." That rubbed me the wrong way because they would be mine and my bf's kids, not his.

  3. He also asked if I was religious and I didn't want to come out and tell them I practice Wicca because I am not really 100% confident in their acceptance of that. I answered that I was in a non-traditional sense. He asked if we would raise our children Catholic. I said I will raise them with God until they are old enough to have their own beliefs and if they wanted to be Catholic then that was fine. He responded with "Don't worry, I'll make them Catholic for you."

  4. He is very selfish. He got my bf's mom bath towels and foot lotion to rub on his feet for Christmas. And then bought himself hundreds of dollars in Christmas gifts for himself rather than get his family anything they'd really enjoy.

Bottom line is I'm not the biggest fan of his dad and that's the only reason why I don't like visiting his parents' house. Also that is where we stay when we visit so I am around him all the time. (He doesn't work). I know there will be times when visiting is required and I am always kind and respectful when I am there. But I dread going and my BF is starting to take notice that I'm not overly excited when he asks me to go.

Should I tell him my reasons for being hesitant to go or just not say anything?

TL/DR: Should I tell my bf that the reason why I don't like visiting his parents' house is because I'm not a big fan of his dad?

UPDATE: I talked to my boyfriend and he agrees with me. He said he understood how his dad's comments could have been off-putting and hurtful. He apologized and said he would talk to his dad for future visits. Thank y'all so much for the help!

Submitted February 13, 2021 at 09:49PM by HollyJ25
Should I (23F) tell my boyfriend (23) that the reason why I don't like visiting his family is because I sort of don't like his dad? Should I (23F) tell my boyfriend (23) that the reason why I don't like visiting his family is because I sort of don't like his dad? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 14, 2021 Rating: 5

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