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My wife is being harassed by her brothers because she won’t visit/care for her Covid stricken mother.

Repost as I forgot to include a TL;DR last time, now it’s at the end of the post.

Ok... the title may be a little misleading but it’s basically the situation that's going on between my wife and her brothers, but let me expand on it and I apologize if I do ramble a little as I'm livid by my brothers-in-law attitudes.

We’re a little family of three, my wife (40) our kid (18) and myself (41) I'm a freelance artist who’s been basically unemployed and haven’t generated any sort of income in over a year now due to the pandemic as I used to work for the film industry which has been decimated by the global situation, my kid couldn’t get into college this year and my wife, as an essential business owner, has been the sole provider throughout the last year. As you can imagine things have gotten quite bad during the pandemic but we've (barely) managed.

We have been isolating, we have no social life, we only leave our home once a week to go get food/supplies, our kid hasn’t seen his friends for more than a year... my wife does go to work every day, we supply our employees with quality PPE and haven’t been in a situation where we have yet to fire nor reduce pay to anyone, you can say my wife has been providing for our family and our employees families for over a year, she’s our hero and we all make sure she knows how much we all appreciate her and how much we’re thankful to her.

We’re so strict about isolating and following CDC guidelines because I'm over 40, have high blood pressure, severe allergies that greatly affect my chronic respiratory issues like asthma. I watch what I eat and I go out at 5 am every day to run 4 miles, because I want to stay alive. I've had pneumonia a couple of times before and pretty much almost bit the dust both times, so we all consider me a vulnerable person as I've had respiratory problems throughout my whole life.

My mother in law widowed almost two years ago and my wife’s older brother took her to live with him, since then she’s been basically the babysitter for a couple of obnoxious, entitled kids and an unpaid 24 hour cleaning person for my brother-in-law, before the pandemic hit she told my wife she was fed up with her son, his wife and their couple of brats as she felt exploited by them all, she was planning to move but... shit happened and she was stuck there. My wife’s younger brother lives far away so he’s kind of out of the picture.

Anyways brother-in-law and his wife are a couple of morons who’ve bragged on social media about how the coronavirus and fear won’t control their life, they’ve been to all kinds of social gatherings and basically are anti maskers... as you can imagine the inevitable happened and they all got covid and obviously infected my mother-in-law who’s a 70 year old woman with hypertension and many... many underlying health problems also she's been dealing with depression since her husband passed away, he was her whole world. So as you can imagine my mother-in-law got bad, like worst case scenario bad, she needs oxygen, she can’t move, she’s barely even conscious, my brother-in-law has been taking care of her but now he says it’s enough, he has a life to get back to, he needs to get back to work and says it’s unfair for him to be the only one taking care of her mother, and since my wife is the woman in their family it is her responsibility to care for her, my wife told him she can’t go to their house because I'm a vulnerable person, she’s a business owner with a family and employees depending on her so she can’t get sick and just close her business for however long if she gets infected. So now she’s receiving calls every single day from both her brothers giving her shit for not being at her mother's side taking care of her, for letting her family down... for being selfish... seriously! What the actual...!!?? My wife’s crying herself to sleep every night worried sick about her mom, feeling guilty and basically getting into depression because her dumbass brother didn’t take care and got her mom infected!!

I don’t know what to tell my wife anymore, her brother is an idiot... an emotional blackmailing abusive idiot that’s torturing my wife every day because she won’t leave everything to go take care of a mess he’s created... I told my wife she can obviously go to her mother’s side but she would have to not come back home for some time because she would most definitely get infected and she said that’s not an option because our family is her priority and she can’t let her employees without work is she gets infected and sick... getting covid is basically playing Russian roulette because you never know how bad you'll get it.

I mean, is she in the wrong here? Is she being a bad daughter? am I being selfish for basically telling her if she goes to her mom she can’t come back??? I mean because she would have to go into quarantine not in our house because our kid and I would be in risk of getting infected.

TL;DR My brother in law is passive aggressively emotionally abusing my wife to leave our house and move to his house so she can take care of their mother after he infected her with covid. Their mother is in a lethal situation as she was over 70 and with plenty of underlying health issues.

Submitted February 14, 2021 at 09:09AM by HyperAktiFF
My wife is being harassed by her brothers because she won’t visit/care for her Covid stricken mother. My wife is being harassed by her brothers because she won’t visit/care for her Covid stricken mother. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 14, 2021 Rating: 5

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