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My engaged friend is cheating on his fiance and everyone knows but her, should I tell her?

First of all, sorry for the bad writing, English isn't my first language and I wrote all this in an emotional state.

My (26f) boyfriend (29m) and I have this friend in common whom we've known since college, let's call him friend X. Friend X is this smart and successful guy, he's been dating this girl for over two years when my boyfriend rang me up to tell me shocking news another friend of ours has told him, let's call him friend Y. Friend Y told my boyfriend that friend X has had a full-blown affair with another woman when he travelled for year to a foreign country, during which he was long distance with his girlfriend. My boyfriend was shocked and could not believe it since according to him the girl X is dating is such a lovely, smart and wholesome person, I've never met her personally. My boyfriend was mostly shocked at how friend Y didn't immediately tell friend X off, I was mostly shocked that friend X's girlfriend is blindsided by all this while all those strangers (including myself) knew.

To make matters worse, my boyfriend made friend Y to tell friend X off and make him come clean to his girlfriend. So friend X response was he will come clean to and break up with the girlfriend. Few weeks later we see on Facebook that he proposed to her! I don't know what insanity this is.

I now hate that I know this very crucial detail about this girl's life but she doesn't. I hate how she 's deceived in thinking her fiance is a decent person and that she should spend the rest of her life with him. Honestly what she chooses to do is up to her, but she should at least have all the facts.

I'm torn, I really feel for this girl but my boyfriend and I have no right to talk to friend X since he never really confided in us (I say confided but her was really bragging about it to friend Y), and we can't let him know that friend Y told us, because it'S supposed to be a 'secret'. On the other hand I don't really care about this who told whom stuff, I think the stakes for the girlfriend are too high for me to accommodate this nonsense. When I ask unrelated people about what I should do they say to stay out of it and that it isn't my business, but I feel like I'm betraying a fellow woman, and allowing an asshole to keep disrespecting her. Btw the Brazilian girl (who I don't know if she knew he was not single at the time) has visited him in his country and their 'friendship' seems to still be going, I don't know if they're still sleeping together.

I seriously don't care about my own friendship with friend X I lost all respect for him and I don't care if we remain friends. I just feel for this poor girl, but I hate being the bearer of such terrible news to her specially that we've never met, so should I tell her?

TL;DR I know of the infidelity of a friend, I feel bad for his fiance and I want to tell her but it's not my place since we've never actually met, and it's supposed to be a secret.

Submitted February 10, 2021 at 10:53AM by SnooOwls4023
My engaged friend is cheating on his fiance and everyone knows but her, should I tell her? My engaged friend is cheating on his fiance and everyone knows but her, should I tell her? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 10, 2021 Rating: 5

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