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My (25f) boyfriend's (27m) mother pushed me to the ground when she was quite drunk. I feel awkward about it

[EDIT] thanks for all the replies. Just to let you know I got knee MRI scan results just then from my doctor. I have partially torn meniscus, sprained MCL, bone marrow Edema and they can't confirm about my ACL as I have surgical sultures (bolts?) there and they couldn't see my ligament properly. So very possible I've re-torn my ACL also :( lots of damage and possibly another surgery.

TL;DR bf's mother shoved me to the ground when drunk although it was unprovoked by me. Apparently she can get aggressive when drunk but I never thought it would be at me.

I was with my boyfriend's family and everyone was quite drunk. My boyfriend (27m) and his younger brother were wrestling inside and it was really annoying the mom and she was starting to get angry even though they were just having fun. She unsuccessully broke them up which would have annoyed her more especially being in a drunken state.

Anyway I was outside chilling by myself as I was resting my knee that I hurt that day (I had ACL surgery a few years ago and I had twisted it that day so I was in pain). Basically the mother stormed out and she was going to storm out onto the street in the middle of the night. I have a pretty good relationship with her so I stood up and put my arm out to talk to her and get her to calm down and she fully shoved me to the ground and stormed out of the gate. My knee gave way like it did earlier and I was in instant pain. One of the brothers friends helped me off the ground and said he will go and find her.

The next day my knee was so swollen, like, can't even locate the knee cap swollen. The mother did apologise and I said it was fine because I didn't want to start drama but I was quite shocked and abit hurt by the situation. When I told my boyfriend he said "well did you get in her way?". He didn't even seem to care and almost instantly blamed me. I should note he also has a temper when he drinks. I'm not happy about the situation and I can almost look past being shoved to the ground, but my boyfriend wasn't concerned at all and it seems like it's normal behaviour.

Now we had a fight about it and I asked him to ask his mom to please just not do it again. After prompting he did talk to her and he explained to her that im "more sensitive than them and to not push me over again". My boyfriend said she looked hurt that she has caused an issue with us.

Do you think I am overreacting? I was so shocked by the sudden aggression towards me, she has never done that before. She is usually really nice and welcoming towards me and always makes an effort on my birthday and Christmas, she is very generous towards me.

Do you think I should just keep my distance? Or maybe it was just a once off? Now that it was brought up to the mom I feel awkward. Is there any coming back from this weird situation?

Submitted February 14, 2021 at 05:29PM by badreligion95
My (25f) boyfriend's (27m) mother pushed me to the ground when she was quite drunk. I feel awkward about it My (25f) boyfriend's (27m) mother pushed me to the ground when she was quite drunk. I feel awkward about it Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 15, 2021 Rating: 5

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