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My wife is a terrible cook, it causes arguments, and I can't take it anymore.

Before you rip my head off about "Why don't you cook your own damned food", hear me out. I've been married to my wife for 5 years now. She can't cook to save her life. The problem is that she thinks that she is an incredible cook and structures her pride around her apparent cooking abilities. And she gets really offended when people don't eat her food. I've tried to hint at couples' cooking classes, but she sees no need to go to them because "I cook good enough already!" And if you gave any sort of critique or suggestions about her food she blows up and accuses me of being "picky".

She's the kind of person who doesn't properly follow a recipe. She'll look at the ingredient list, toss it all into a bowl, and cook it all at once like it's the Great Depression or something.

Her idea of "fried rice" is a bowl that has so much ginger that it upsets my stomach, and I like ginger. She has this dreaded "seasoned chicken" that's just chicken doused in a random array of spices pulled from the spice rack, then broiled in the oven. Every serving of rice is watery and overcooked (HOW DOES SOMEONE DO THIS TO RICE EVERY TIME). And she recently picked up habit of putting liquid smoke into everything.

And it gets more weird. Whenever I cook my own food (mostly out of frustration because on some days I can't even pretend to like her food) and store my cooked food in the fridge, she'll eat all of MY food first and ignore all of the food that she made. And when I go rummaging through the fridge for some (my) food to eat she'll say, "Why don't you eat the (dish) I cooked?"

So when my cooked food is next to hers in the fridge, she won't even eat her own food. I once called her out on this, and she fervently DENIES doing this. She just eats whatever I cook, shoves her "good" food to the back of the fridge until it rots, but won't admit that maybe, just maybe, her cooking needs work. Whenever she cooks I always go to bed hungry. Her cooking is just so... bad. And if I ever give some sort of indication that I didn't like it she huffs and scoffs about how I "should" like it.

This has caused a lot of arguments, mainly because she refuses to believe that her cooking abilities could use some improvement. She's a control freak when it comes to food and our kitchen. She's too stubborn to take any feedback about cooking because she thinks she's great at it (NOOOO). She's even too stubborn to properly follow a recipe- she'll just skim the recipe, set aside the ingredients, toss it all into a bowl or pan then wing it. What really drives me insane is that she shoves me out of the kitchen because she thinks she has priority over me because it's "her" kitchen space, but then she won't even eat the godawful food that she makes if it's a choice between her food and my food.

I don't know what to do. Help.

tl;dr wife thinks she's Julia Childs but is terrible at cooking, it has caused arguments, she refuses to get cooking lessons, and eats my food instead of her own but is still territorial over our kitchen

Submitted April 06, 2020 at 08:29PM by throwaway47hisJK
My wife is a terrible cook, it causes arguments, and I can't take it anymore. My wife is a terrible cook, it causes arguments, and I can't take it anymore. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 07, 2020 Rating: 5

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