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I'm unsure if I should let my ex-step mom back into my life and meet my 4 month old son

Good morning my fellow redditors!

My father and his girlfriend separated back in August after a 20 year relationship in which they had a son (my half brother).

Before they broke-up my step mom was going to allow my wife and I to move into a house she owned (longstory as to why she owns another house) back in Feb 19'. She had already said we could move in, so we were expecting to, but at the end of Jan literally a couple of weeks before the move she became wishy-washy. She wouldn't tell us if we could or couldn't move-in only that she was talking to her lawyer.

At this point we had already notified our Apartment landlord that we were moving out, so there was a chance we could be homeless because of her indecisiveness. We decided to make the decision not to move-in because she was being vague. It cost us a few hundred dollars because technically we had already gave our apt up. Shitty move x1

This left a sour taste in our mouths, but it only gets worse. The following months the relationship between my father and SM soured to the point they wanted to break up. My dad spoke highly of her the entire time, and wanted me to keep her in our lives.

Unfortunately, my SM did/said some really horrible things. She still lived with my dad for 6 months after they decided to split even though he owned the house. She made his life hell. He had to sleep on the couch every night, and she littered the house with useless crap. Shitty move x2

We went to visit one weekend to tell her we were expecting our first son. She responded with an outburst of negative emotion, and told me my father was a narcissist and abusive. Not true. Shitty move x3

Another time we visited my dad wanted her to join us for dinner so she wouldn't feel left out. She came home singing some weird ass country song as loud as she could to let us know she was in a pissy mood. When my dad asked her if she wanted to eat with all of us she flipped. Calling him abusive and saying he was manipulating us. She then got sour toward my wife because we were avoiding. She was singing some shitty as country song! Of course we were going to avoid her like a plague. As we were leaving she stormed out of the house, and waited in her SUV for 3-4 minutes until we came out. She then sped out of the driver, speeding by my pregnant wife, and stormed out...tired screeching and all. Shitty move x4

She called my own mother to meet-up and talk about my father behind his back hoping to manipulate my mom into hating him. My mom, who is a good sane Irish woman denied the offer. This really pissed me off. I've lost count of all the shitty moves at this point.

She called my dad's family to complain about him, and my Aunt, who has no idea what's really going on gives him shit to this day about it.

She brainwashed my brother into thinking this was all my dad's fault. My brother wanted 50-50 custody. He's 19 years old, but because he's in college child support was still on the table. She brainwashed him into want 60-40 so she could get child support. They went to court, and settled. She got 55-45 I believe.

She threatened my dad saying he wouldn't see my brother anymore. Good luck, biotch, he's 19!

Now she is texting us trying to get back into our lives. She wants to meet our son. She was a great step mom until recently, but even before this shit storm she had insane emotional outbursts at random times.

I don't know what to do reddit! I would tell her we aren't interested in having her in our lives, but I have to think about my brother in all of this. He's the most important. How I react to her will effect my relationship with my brother.

What say you Reddit!

TL;DR step mom said and did some really shitty things regarding my father during their break-up. She wants my forgiveness, but I don't really care to see her again. Unfortunately, I have to be aware of how my decision will effect my relationship with my brother who she has been manipulating.

Submitted January 24, 2020 at 07:54AM by -WizeGuy-
I'm unsure if I should let my ex-step mom back into my life and meet my 4 month old son I'm unsure if I should let my ex-step mom back into my life and meet my 4 month old son Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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