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My (m) my wife's (f) best friend (f) is sabotaging our relationship

My (37m) cousin (34f) is my wife's (34f) best friend. She's how I met my wife years ago and was instrumental in setting us up.

Over the years, we've both vented to her about our relationship. I have since stopped after realizing it was likely doing more harm than good. My wife and her are tight. My wife has had a very rough path due to a few issues, and the one person she's consistently treated well throughout it all is this friend. And she has been a good friend to my wife.

A little over a year ago it came out that this friend had been cheating on her husband for over 14 years. Even her best friends (including my wife) had no idea. She hid it very, very well. She told my wife one version of the story claiming she felt compelled to bring it to light on her own, but I'm tight with her husband and got the truth about some things. He actually caught her red handed. Not even my wife knows about it. He even provided solid proof and it all went totally against her sugar coated version she told everyone. He asked me to keep it to myself and I have been a good friend and have. But this friend flat out lied to my wife and others and I can't use this to show she's a liar without disregarding the promise I made to him. So not only did she lie to everyone by cheating for 14 years, but she flat out lied to them by telling them a different version of the events that transpired. I helped them both get through this. I wanted to tell him he should leave but I didn't try to steer anyone. Just listened and supported him and her. She promised to get a new job to get away from the latest man she was sleeping with, but she didn't. They still share an office to this day. I walked in on them being very chatty one day. Made my blood boil.

Since then, I caught this friend lying to me. It wasn't a big lie, but it was easily proven false. I told my wife she was a liar and that I didn't trust her. Well my wife told her and ever since, she has nothing to do with me. My mother has also overheard this friend say some things that she didn't appreciate and told me I should watch out for her because she was throwing me under the bus and acting like it was nothing.

My relationship with my wife is on the rocks. And every time she's with this friend, it seems to get rockier.

I've pointed this out in the heat of the battle a couple times. She always defends her. But this girl is manipulative. She can say one thing that seems nice on the surface, but is actually cutting. I've caught her misleading me several times too. It's obvious she's driving a wedge in our marriage but since my wife thinks she can do nothing wrong, I don't know how to best handle it.

TL;DR - wife's closest friend is a liar and a cheater. she's been caught lying to me and throwing me under the bus in what appears to be an effort to sabotage our relationship. anyone had to deal with this before?

Submitted November 27, 2019 at 07:07AM by HB_TA
My (m) my wife's (f) best friend (f) is sabotaging our relationship My (m) my wife's (f) best friend (f) is sabotaging our relationship Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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