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My (21F) older sister (26F) is kicking me out of her wedding

I hate that I’m writing this. This just seems so dumb, but here we are I guess.

My sister is getting married in June (yay!) and I was chosen to be her only bride’s maid and maid of honor. We’re pretty close, I would say. I have been helping with as much as I can, because I love her so much and I want this day to be amazing!

I’ve been putting off looking for my dress, because I hate dress shopping. I’m a bit thick in the legs so looking at myself in the mirror has always been pretty hit or miss. My sister gave my free reign on whatever kind of dress I wanted since I don’t have to match with anyone. All she wanted was for it to be like a dark red color. Cool.

I finally start looking and I send my sister pictures of dresses, asking which one she likes. She picks two and then tells me to just pick from those two. I pick a high low dress with a lacy top (sorry, I’m terrible with dress terms). It’s pretty modest and the shortest part of the dress comes maybe an inch or two above my knee.

I get the dress and I try it on in front of my sister. Surprise, surprise, I actually like it a lot! My sister approves and then I send it off to get it altered, because it was big in some parts. I get it back and try it on again in front of my sister along with my sister’s approved hairstyle, makeup, accessories, and shoes. She then starts crying. Like full on sobbing.

She tells me that she doesn’t want me wearing that dress anymore. I press and she says that I’m thinner than her and that she doesn’t want me to overshadow her by “showing off my figure”. I tell her that I don’t think I can return the dress because the time allotted has passed and I’ve altered the dress. I spent a decent amount of money on all this and everything to match. She cries some more so I tell her I have an old dress I can wear that is Extremely Modest.

I put it on and it’s way too small. Like I can barely fit and even then it feels like the life is being squeezed out of me. I can’t wear it. I tell her that and she says that if I’m not willing to work with her then I shouldn’t even be in the wedding. I am absolutely willing to work with her, but she isn’t in return.

She reiterates this and then leaves soon after in a huff. I’m so confused. She then calls me a day later to tell me again to have it sorted out or else I won’t be allowed at the wedding. I don’t know what to do, because I’m a college student with limited funds and I spent most of them on the dress and all the fixings.

I don’t know what to do... Should I even want to go to the wedding at this point? This felt so out of character. Like I’m still confused what happened. Is there a way to make my sister happy now that this has happened? Please help, much smarter people than me!!

TL;DR - My sister doesn’t like the dress I bought, that she approved of, after I got it altered, after the return date, because she says that I look thinner than her. I spent all my limited funds (college student) on it and the fixings. She is now threatening to kick me out if I don’t get a dress that doesn’t “show off my figure”.

Submitted November 30, 2019 at 07:30PM by aaaaathrowawayyyy
My (21F) older sister (26F) is kicking me out of her wedding My (21F) older sister (26F) is kicking me out of her wedding Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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