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Turning to reddit cuz I’m at a loss. My (f24) boyfriend (m28) is a slob and nothing seems to help.

So I’ve been with him for about 4 years now (living together for 3) and our one and only problem is his uncleanliness.

Now I’m by no means a clean freak. But I always make a point to clean up after myself and keep things in their proper place. I usually do the laundry and other big chores on my days off and only ask him to take care of his own messes and sometimes dishes.

This man on the other hand has no regard. I will find plates, cups, food, food wrappers, and laundry anywhere and everywhere in our home. There’s more but I’m not going to rant here. When he runs out of room in his space he will set things around in neighboring areas like the tv stand. It’s just all the little things that take less than a second to take care of. Our apartment is small so it’s not like it’s a ton of work and the trash can is like 6 feet away at all times.

I hate that it’s been this long and nothing has changed. I try not to nag but it’s literally an every day problem and because of that I feel resentment piling up. Idk how to house train him, especially since he’s a whole adult and I’ve been trying for a few years now. It makes me feel like he doesn’t care enough about our relationship to take just 5 minutes to put his trash and laundry away each night. I don’t feel like I’m asking a lot, but this has become a deal breaker for me. Im tired of reminding a grown man to do the bare minimum because I didn’t sign up to be his mother.

I want to be able to take pride in my home and to be able to build that with him because he’s so good to me otherwise. He eventually wants to get a house together but I need to trust that I won’t be stuck as the maid. If anyone has advice on fixing something so trivial, I would appreciate it a lot.

TLDR; my bf is a slob, help me help him.

Edit: seems like this is (unfortunately) a common problem here so I apologize for being redundant. Thanks to everyone lending their perspectives, I think going forward I’m gonna lay it out for him one last time and if nothing changes then I will work on changing my situation and he will have to stay behind.

Submitted November 29, 2019 at 11:11AM by incubye
Turning to reddit cuz I’m at a loss. My (f24) boyfriend (m28) is a slob and nothing seems to help. Turning to reddit cuz I’m at a loss. My (f24) boyfriend (m28) is a slob and nothing seems to help. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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