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My (33 F) roommate’s (29 F) dog is literally killing me

I have allergies and asthma to animals. Dog allergies weren’t that bad in the past. I asked her previously no animals, the company who leases property has that rule as well, but she brought a dog anyway. For the sake of not starting fights, I just didn’t say anything.

My allergies and asthma have escalated to me having to be on steroids every couple of months for the past year. It’s gotten so bad that my doctor told me that something now or something dangerous can happen.

The roommate now has been asked to leave by the landlord by March 30th, they signed a contract saying she would do so. Now, it’s looking like she isn’t going to do that or wait until last minute. She’s also been fired from the job that gives us this housing.

I’m dreading this conversation, I know it’s going to be ugly. She has flat out refused to follow any of the rules the company had regarding the dog and controlling the environment either. She was a higher up so they didn’t kick her out right away.

My family lives far away and I have nowhere else to go. I’m thinking of bringing this to the company heads. Rules are obviously not being enforced and I could die as a result.

What should I do?

Tl;dr: My high conflict roommate broke rules of me and company by bringing an animal to live here. She’s being evicted and needs out in a few months but hinting that won’t happen. I’m needing insane amounts of medical attention just to stay alive.

Submitted November 28, 2019 at 10:47PM by throwingthisaway023
My (33 F) roommate’s (29 F) dog is literally killing me My (33 F) roommate’s (29 F) dog is literally killing me Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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