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"We have 2 options - either you quit your job or we break up" My [26/M] Gf[20/F] of 1 year to me.

I have been working at a job for 6 months now that I absolutely love. I have been an international martial arts athlete for a huge portion of my life. Training everyday and competing. Then as all other athletes I retired, fell into a wild depression, and somehow lucked into a job as a coach/instructor of a martial arts school which I absolutely love. Everyday I love coming in, teaching, and coaching these kids up as they learn and some of them get ready to start competing in local competitions.

Now I've been with my girlfriend for about a year now - but we have been friends before that. I met her in our competition training centre couple years ago. At first she was just a girl that would be in the same training sessions (Same training session, but guys and women were separated into different groups). She was a high level athlete - but I'm not too sure if you follow the news about athletes and coaches - she was a victim throughout her teenage years. I had no idea - but after I retired a year ago she told me and I helped her through everything, eventually we got close and started to date. DUring this whole time I was struggling with life after sport/burnout and was just done with the sport.

Fast forward a bit - we are dating, I'm less burned out. But still in my depression. Then the opportunity fell in my lap to run a martial arts school and I jumped on it. I have never felt so motivated and happy during a job. But my gf can't deal with me doing this as a job anymore. She has tried, but it just triggers her. I'm holding the exact same position as the person who hurt her. It's tough on me too. When I go home I can't talk to her about my day in detail because it will trigger her.

I've run out of ideas on how to fix us. I'm not too sure what to do. I love her a lot - but I love this job. I don't want to give up both, but I think I'll have to. Any help?

tl;dr I hold the same position as the person who victimized my girlfriend during her time as an athlete. She can't handle and has told me to quit. I don't know what to do.

Submitted November 27, 2019 at 01:37PM by SentryOP
"We have 2 options - either you quit your job or we break up" My [26/M] Gf[20/F] of 1 year to me. "We have 2 options - either you quit your job or we break up" My [26/M] Gf[20/F] of 1 year to me. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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