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Do I (21f) confront boyfriend (23) about lying to me. I only know he lied because I found his Reddit.

I do feel terrible, I shouldn't have checked his Reddit. I was curious and it's the same as his insta handle - it wasn't some insane stalking mission.

We've been together happily for 7 months and are planning on moving in together, been friends for a year. He's been friends with "Sandy" for 10 years. The only argument we've ever had has been about her.

The situation:

His friends warned me about his feelings for Sandy about 3 months into our relationship as his housemate moved out and she wanted to move in with him. He decided to not let her move in and reassured me that he never had feelings for her "just a crush" and only sees her as a friend.

We argued about her when he lied about having her back to his place at 3am and not responding to me when I was upset about a family issue. Tbh when I think about how upset I was that night and the fact he put her above me it breaks my heart.

So I found his Reddit. He posted a year ago for advice about being IN LOVE with his best friend, talking about Sandy. Some quotes from his posts - "I truly, truly love her" "Ultimately nobody compares to her" (I knew him at this time) "I'd kick myself if I never tried" (he never did try due to her getting back with an ex - is he still kicking himself?) "Over the last 10 months I've developed strong feeling for her" (he said he only fancied her for 2 months tops) "Haven't felt like this in a very very long time" (he said this to me when we started dating)

I found this about a month ago and haven't said anything. I can feel myself getting in a mood when I think about it and it's not fair on him. When I don't think about his relationship with her, everything is more than perfect, but it's difficult seeing her messages on his phone constantly. Also me and Sandy used to be friends and she won't talk to me the last few months...

Should I talk to him or just forget about it? I don't want to admit I found his Reddit and kept it to myself all this time.

TLDR - Boyfriend lied about his feelings for his female best friend and I can't stop thinking about it, do I confront him or just let it be in the past?

Submitted November 21, 2019 at 12:20PM by ThrowRAlieslies
Do I (21f) confront boyfriend (23) about lying to me. I only know he lied because I found his Reddit. Do I (21f) confront boyfriend (23) about lying to me. I only know he lied because I found his Reddit. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 22, 2019 Rating: 5

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