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My (24F) partner (25M) said he would abandon our hypothetical child if he/she was LGBTQ+.

Throwaway account. 4 year relationship.

We’ve talked about having kids later in life before, but their sexuality being a problem didn’t ever come up until now. I would accept an LGBTQ+ child and love them just the same as if they were heterosexual, but my partner said he doesn’t agree with homosexuality and absolutely does not agree with transgender people - which was news to me. I’ve tried to get him to watch Drag Race and Queer Eye with me before and he always seemed uncomfortable, but it never even crossed my mind that it was because he’s kind of a homophobe/intolerant (for lack of a better term).

He said he wouldn’t kick them out, but he would never speak to them again. I don’t agree with that. I’m bisexual myself, so it really bothers me that he thinks this way and he’s stubborn too which makes it hard to reason with him and to ask him why it would be so bad. I don’t know if I believe that he would actually do this to his own child if that child actually existed right now and wasn’t hypothetical, but I’m not sure if that’s me being optimistic.

All I can think of as a reason for him to have this mindset is the fact that he was raised with 2 older brothers and the only female in his house was his mum. He’s so hyper-masculine that he won’t even clean his face with more than soapy water because his brothers would take the mick out of him; I’ve told him that his blackheads make me want to scream, but he still won’t try face cleansing products (not even the ‘for men’ ones). Maybe his parents don’t agree with it either and it’s how he was raised, but I honestly don’t know. He’s also a Christian, but so am I and I do not share his opinion, so...

I’m posting this because I know whatever I say will cause an argument about this as I’m not very tactful and he won’t want to even try to change his mindset. I’d like to ask him about why he thinks this way and try to change his mind before we even get close to having a child, so I can be prepared as I can see this causing a huge rift between us in the future if he actually follows through with ignoring them forever. I don’t want anyone, let alone my own child, to feel rejected by their parent/s.

So... Any advice from people who’ve dealt with someone like this before? Did they change their way of thinking for the better?

TLDR: My partner is kind of a homophobe and said he would cut off his own child if they were to come out as LGBTQ+.

Submitted July 26, 2019 at 08:38PM by lonelynights97
My (24F) partner (25M) said he would abandon our hypothetical child if he/she was LGBTQ+. My (24F) partner (25M) said he would abandon our hypothetical child if he/she was LGBTQ+. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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